Saturday, 12 August 2023

Ten Short Form Poems by Bonnie J Scherer


Ten Short Form Poems

the cow jumps

over the moon …

udder nonsense




the wind rushing

my ruffled feathers -

something to snipe about




too many beans

in the chili

I repeat my mistake




egg on my face

spit on my boots -

where did we go wrong?




you don‘t mince words —

the sting of garlic




martagon lily -

even your name

turns my head




snake plant

the long slick tongue 

of your kiss




annual bird count -

a flock of cameras 

skirting the shoreline




windy day…

I walk backwards

to yesterday’s calm




canning day …

the ping

of a job well done

Bonnie J Scherer - Living her best life in Alaska, Bonnie J Scherer writes haiku, tanka, haibun and cherita. Happily retired, she spends time in the garden during the summer months and explores the arts during the long, dark months of winter. Her works have been included in numerous platforms both domestically and internationally. In 2022 she had a poem selected as one of the top 100 haiku in English in the Japanese newspaper, The Mainichi.  

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