Friday, 18 August 2023

Five Poems by Nolcha Fox


An Instant


This instant is divided by curtains of water 

and the sound of shuddering time.

Cup this instant between your palms, make it a prayer.

Open your hands, this instant flies to the heavens.

Hold this instant in your mouth, it is water between your teeth.

This instant is your footsteps parting the grass,

this instant is the wind rippling the grass,

and the name of these grasses in this wind 

is that other place on the other side of this instant.


First and last lines from “The Name of that Silence is These Grasses in the Wind” by JJJJJerome Ellis

Someday I’ll Be in Love with Light


Something is lost

in the aftermath of consolation,

a house empty of your laugh,

your shadow missing from the walls.

Black coffee is a cup of anticipation

of sun warming the hollow of your chair,

of rain-jewelled flowers in the vase,

a parting of waterfalls of mourning.


The Hard Road


I stumble, I fumble,

I fall as I clamber.

The road up is jumbles

and tumbles of stones.

Branches scrape scratches,

I’m tired, perspired, 

but always inspired

to climb to the top

and look back where I’ve been.




Sun dips down alleys,

hides behind trash bins.

Wind rushes past me

before I can catch it.

Birds mock in warbles,

then wing away briskly.

Clouds melt to fog

that slips through my fingers.

All on the run, all out of reach,

knowing I’ll never catch them,

fugitives from my mind.


(a pretend haiku)


The wind leashes

the clouds to share

a frolic through the day


Nolcha Fox - Nolcha’s poems have been curated in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Alien Buddha Zine, Medusa’s Kitchen, and others. Her poetry books are available on Amazon and Dancing Girl Press. Nominee for 2023 Best of The Net. Editor for Open Arts Forum and Chewers & Masticadores. Accidental interviewer/reviewer. Faker of fake news.




Medium: @nolchafox_14571

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