Saturday, 12 August 2023

One Flash Prose Poem by Stephen House


occasionally i read Harry and Meghan stories online

i must admit that occasionally i read Harry and Meghan stories online although i am not a fan of theirs or interested in anything they do and i am not a royalist and i never read stories about Charles and Camilla or William and Kate even though they are more appealing than Harry and Meghan and i didn’t even consider reading the book Harry wrote or watching the documentary the couple made as public family-bagging leaves me cold although i will own up to watching their family-bagging interview with Oprah on tv

and as i share that occasionally i read Harry and Meghan stories online i should add that it is only when the stories appear on my phone which they seem too often lately but i have never searched a story about them and never will and even though i do occasionally read about them none of the stories are the least bit fascinating to me and i have no idea why i read about them at all

and as i reveal that i do read about them i will say that i also read many other stories online including about science and world news and the arts and nature and queer stuff so given my other online reading choices occasionally reading Harry and Meghan stories online is not such a huge concern unless the frequency of doing so significantly increases which is unlikely but i will monitor it for i can only imagine the fucking tedium if i started reading Harry and Meghan stories online more than only occasionally

Stephen House has won many awards and nominations as a poet, playwright, and actor. He’s had 20 plays produced with many published by Australian Plays Transform. He’s received several international literature residencies from The Australia Council for the Arts, and an Asialink India literature residency. He’s had two chapbooks published by ICOE Press Australia: ‘real and unreal’ poetry and ‘The Ajoona Guest House’ monologue. His next book drops soon. He performs his acclaimed monologues widely. Stephen’s play, ‘Johnny Chico’ has been running in Spain for 4 years. 

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