Friday, 4 August 2023

Five Poems by Dr Anushna Biswas




All days not same

So people go astray

Due to want

On cross life hangs

Arcadian people in pangs

Rush out in vain

It brings only pain


In frustration

Psychic coves

Lose brain

Ideas look like bread

Crazy guys jump and grab

puzzled dopes

Making mates poggled


Pitiless cry

Rings under sky

No succour coming

Everything dry

Doves in bush calling

Aimless guys cry

Wretched ones run for grabbing

In hungry land

Everything is bleeding.





One dreary night

Macabre vision multiplies

One hundred cycles

Pass by ringing bells

Signifying killer tales


Cats with burning eyes

Cry and jump

Dozen jackals invade my room

Crooked shadows cross corridor

Bruised children

Slip from window

Being witness to horror vision

I occupy a corner in bed

Till night ends


Pock-marked visions grabs me in night

In light they disappear

Wish my life day be unending

But that’s impossible to say

Night would creep in

And vision grips me again!

Cycle rolls on.





We look up and down

And pine for what is naught

Life’s trajectory not a straight line

Till the last syllable of recorded time

Something good is in the offing


We look right and left

And pine for what is naught


False hope shackles mankind

Drowns aspiration in like kinds

Counting years and hours

Fetch nothing but horrors

We are puppets

In the hands of cosmic powers

Rising and falling evident in our lot


We look before and after

And pine for what is naught.





Threading sky

Chimney black clouds



Roaring storm

Fell thousands of trees


Forests hit below the belt

Deforestation wide

Climate change

Winter shivering

Woods burnt galore


Spooky change in climate

Summer heat soars

Virus spreads

Like wild fire

Burnt out day

Sight of waste land


Measuring futile life sour

With coffee spoon

Facing brown doom.





In uneven days and hours

Nothing synchronizes

Clobbering inside soul

Sounds in irritation

Beyond toleration


Any place and corner

Redolent with hummers

Friends thin out in such hours

We are tied to flippant powers


Clobbering in side soul

Sounds jealous

We are utterly tedious

Breathe and struggles

Push life in bumbles.

Dr Anushna Biswas, Literary Critic, Poet and Feature Writer of The Indian Express Group of Newspapers. Also former Lecturer and head, Department of English at Tagore University Distance Education. Published eight books of literary criticisms on Fiction, contributed essays and articles in The Indian Express Group of Newspapers, Contributes to Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Dumpster Fire Press: Voices From Fire, OPA Monthly Online International Poetry Journal and also various other International Online Poetry Journals.. Awarded Certificate of Appreciation and Recognition for Poetry Contest from Nigeria, Paris, UK, US. 








1 comment:

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