Sunday, 27 August 2023

Three Poems by Cliff Wedgbury




High tide against the wall,

Of this tranquil garden.

So many names to read,

As the evening sun sinks,

Across a mountainous skyline.

So silent as we stand and whisper,

In a haven of peace,

While night is falling all around.

Remembering the pain of a Sunday morning,

With bodies like rain,


To be mourned at this remembrance ground.


just pretend the spaces

are filled with cheerful conversations

and loving dialogue

no need to read another

telephone directory

the distance between us

is only the matter of a few

simple words



the gentleness

and quietness

of memories

like no other



the passion

 of heartbeats

as we linger



that unique place

the elusive moments


Cliff Wedgbury is a Cork based poet, born in London in 1946. His formative years were spent in the folk clubs, jazz clubs and second-hand bookshops of the Charing Cross Road area in London. His last collection “A Lingering Adolescence,” was published by “Belfast/Lapwing.”

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