Friday, 31 December 2021

Five Fabulous Poems by Shine Ballard

a woe inured


Who was he to never love me,

or he who loved so pure?

How dare i do so in fear be?

How cruel a woe inured—




this feels like a waste

of thirtysevenfifty. lucre

we could have leavened else

where, betterleveraged. put on some

thing other than my teetering

caprices. being good enough is

just not. why, as a novice,

can i not be more master

ful? abecedarian aspiration.

when tomorrow is a blank

space, unimagined, what time

is there—for waiting?

you, you

but a reader. hubristic seer. you

may penetrate interstices, but without

stitchedmargins, your desires

would never pore pages. withheld. with

out. blank, balked breadths. so, sit.

still quiet, discerning. knowing

you've no allay for my agitation.

impatience. a thing never diagnosed,

no! not ever. only endured.


much time should i set aside for

learning something as sudden as

a severingedge?

sonofabitch! i paid for the soaking

stone that i might better slice

through stone

fruit, amongst

the many things i may. this life,

so very involved with waste.




what then of inquiry

from which nothing

is learned—nothing taught?

neither student, nor teacher.

an estrangement acute.

what lessens the incalculable?

should one amend the sum?

fail safe for the insuperable,

a supposition where equation fails.

some data are too stark to be rounded—


in which case,

it’s reckoned





Post dozing, in a partial state, i perceive your

abiding allure. A distance of tables between, i climbed

atop and drug myself along their edges, through

the tenebrism, toward you & your shadow. echo.

The two of you weren't frightened, simply confused.

Chairs caromed aside, i smiled—clumsily closer.

noNCompanion smiling, until finally i arrived, the final

chair knocked from the table. Your shadow, serene yet

puzzled, notknowing, but you—stillbeautiful—knew me,

not knowing. What a shame you never loved me,

only ever seeing me               awkward. Not nearing

normally. This face grinning with stupidlove—





The walk : winter falls, springing, tired,

summer stumbles, falling. The pedestrian

breeze soundily locates one shoreside—


The wind, as waves, lapping indifferent.



Perched before

the door, chattering—

an instinctual somatic saccade—

as the pileatedwoodpecker

sticks its semi's. As metronome :

bodies making, doing as instinct


Shine Ballard, the dégagé-dabbler, currently creates and resides on this plane(t). 


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