Monday, 30 August 2021

Three Poems by Joan McNerney





Slides under door jambs,

pouring through windows,

painting my room black.


This evening was spent

watching old movies.

Song-and-dance actors

looping through gay,

improbable plots.


All my plates are put away,

cups hanging on hooks.

The towel is still moist.


I blow out cinnamon candles,

wafting the air with spice.

Listening now to heat

sputtering and dogs

barking at winds.


Winter pummels skeletal

trees as the moon’s big

yellow eye haunts shadows.


Autumn Notes

Four sparkling maples

sashay in autumn winds.

dressed in yellow lace.


Half moon hiding in old

oak tree on top of hillside.


Children kicking up leaves

shouting while jumping

over mounds of foliage. 


Bright leaves gleaming

in sunshine tumbling

through an Alice blue sky.


Carpets of red yellow brown

foliage unfurls before us.


Walking through trails of trees

becoming spellbound by

leafy giants towering over us.


Morning light reveals

silhouettes of branches

against a dove grey sky.


Grab your coat and scarf.

Where are your gloves and hat?


Hurry, pick gardens of bright

vegetables. Time to cook

big pots of soup, yeasty breads.


Dancing in joyous circles

ragtag russet leaves glow

under the noon day sun.


See them spin rustle-bustle

within a ring of singsong.


Listen to their shuffle

saying they will return soon

dressed in bright green.


Arctic Flurries 


Winds toss foliage in air.

Birds bend against frost

their wings catching the

last sunlight.


In cosmic dance snowflakes

light up evening.


galaxies circling abandoned gardens.


We hunch our shoulders with winter.

Our shadows are long now.



Joan McNerney’s poetry is found in many literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Poet Warriors, Blueline, and Halcyon Days.  Four Bright Hills Press Anthologies, several Poppy Road Journals, and numerous Poets' Espresso Reviews have accepted her work.  She has four Best of the Net nominations.  Her latest titles are The Muse in Miniature and Love Poems for Michael both available on and

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