Friday, 6 August 2021

Three Fantastic Poems by beam


hello Nothing


I love you, I sink inside you,

devour me, come on Nothing,

make a lake of yourself for me to drown in,

never enough of you.

Nothing, i can’t control you nor would I want to


I respect your descent

more total and again more total everytime,

you redefine zero as most absolute Nothing

making more of yourself than imagined

encircling everyone everything



There was a time i thought I was nothing,

as if the sum of parts could add to nothing,

i could never be as clear or final, all

encompassing, endangering, consuming

i was only holding the edges of it and I had to give it back


back to you Nothing, love you,

exactly as you say on the tin

no less, no more,



very much

somehow seeing myself

as only an instrument

conduit, fruit bowl, glass vase


a collection of feelings we shared.


I don’t want to keep looking into the past

and fishing for futures that turn

flower water marble colours

the classic one - rose tinted

but no


you didn’t have a favourite flower

and I keep my love


very much dead by now

What You Are

You are not the author of this poem

You are not Christina Aguilara

You are not Santa

You are not the tooth fairy

You are not my favourite


oh well


You are not a genius

You are not a failure

You are not responsible for other people’s choices

You are not a sum of things you’ve done

You are not a little chihuahua called Pipper

You are not my furniture

You are not Jesus

You are not the worst

You are not the best and you shouldn’t want to be

You are not other people's perceptions


You are not going to ever give up


what you are is enough

beam is a 26 year old woman from Ireland. She has participated in workshops led by Kevin Higgins, read at Galway City's Literary Organisation event called Over The Edge and has been published in Cabinet Of Heed,, Spilling Hot Cocoa Over Martin Amos & Impspired. Recent work includes; surviving the pandemic and several disappointing sourdough loaves. You can find more of her poetry @personalbeam on instagram.

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