Sunday, 29 August 2021

One Poem by Margaret Kiernan


Hut at The Weir-

Easter Day picnic


We hung out at the river

leant over the flow

through unglazed wood frames

sailed or flew dizzily to somewhere,

as the hut stood still, awaited our return

to the Easter picnic,

of heavy sponge cake butter iced


Sipped apple-cidona from plastic cups

buzzed from nose sparkles

enjambed with damp air.


Green algae bloom hung alive

beneath the tin-roof,

On a high bluff across the river

Monterey Pines stood out

in Spring sunshine

their burnished needles lay in piles


Day trippers stumbled about

on dark roots of Laurel

slid on muddy paths, made forbidden

attempts to walk above raged water

as the rusted fretwork doubted

the lost boards.


We weren’t there that much, not the day

that Jared Marin floated down the river

from his swim pond at the cornmill,

He was halted by the weir, wrapped tight, cold blue

till the search-party found

what they had tracked,

Brown eyed boy with crew-cut endlessly still.

Margaret Kiernan writes fiction, non-fiction essay, memoir, and poetry. She has had poetry and prose published in e-book, in anthology collections, and literary journals and magazines - including, Black-lion Press, journal-C19 collection , archived at University College Dublin, The Blue Nib Lit-Journal , The Write Life Magazine, Unity Global Festival, Vox Galvia at the Galway Advertiser, A New Ulster Literary Press, The Burrow Lit. Journal,, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, The Galway Review and The Irish Canadian Cultural Newsmagazine, New Brunswick.

She writes with Over the Edge, Thursday writing/reading group at Galway Arts Centre, and, Ox Mountain Poets, Sligo.

She is listed in the Index of Contemporary Women Poets in Ireland, 2020. 

She holds several Educational qualifications, Including a Degree in Arts in Humanities, from Sligo IT.

Her background is in Advocacy in Human and Social Rights.

Margaret has completed numerous courses and workshops in writing, for prose and poetry.

Margaret has four grown-up children. She lives in Westmeath with her dog Molly. She is a landscape painter. Is into Nature, walking, gardening, music, and heritage. She is working towards a First collection in Poetry.

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  1. Gee you're good Margaret

  2. Patricia Phillips-Batoma31 August 2023 at 07:40

    Amazing poem Margaret. Beautiful images but heartbreaking story.


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