Thursday, 5 August 2021

Three Fabulous Poems by Mihaela Melnic

The Gracula

A bird of tar flew low
twirling the dust
and perched on my thigh
uplifting the gown
as the branches above
rustled entwined
a worm took a bite
from the hanging apple

(all this madness occurred
under the flickering tongues
of a street lamp fire
in a dream with no slumber
when the worms...
never mind them)

I slowly caressed the feathered creature
that told me old stories
about men and women
making the sign of victory

Want to know what else she said
through the chords of a violin?

The Gracula’s tongue was raw
although enticing
and conveyed to me
a few toxic concepts

Her words were nothing
but the worm in the apple
for some birds speak too much
and of humans
have no mercy... 

My own play

I've been hurled upon this stage
and pinned in place from my dawn
'till the end

and I wonder,
if life was only a grasping of gold
would there still be room for love?

The more you count the money
the brighter the journey.
This is what you think?

Blinded by visions with fevers and seizures.
I've also had it all (but the measure)

but I've heard that the longer the acting
the thicker the hay when you exit the stage.

A tear hangs at midair.
A bow, a smile for the audience.
No more tricks in my pocket.

I’ve been here with no wisdom
starring in my own play
for far too long.


How it comes, how it goes

Everyone leaves a scar
on my skin, on your skin
in my heart, in any soul
here and now
or a million miles away
on some shore

Everyone takes bits of me
and gives all or nothing
in return, in advance
in vain, in this life
or in another one
who knows

Everyone craves and loves
hates and cries
just like me, just like you
like them all

Everyone tries so hard
or not at all and dies young
or even old
but still dies
and then burns or lies in a hole

Everyone is here now
or has been, or will be
one day in time
after time
in the lap of some god

And we walk our own road
with that key hanging gravely
from our necks
in spite of all wars and in spite
of the word No

And we meet
(if we meet)
but in case we’re alone
we still dance
and share love
and give help
setting free
giving birth
as we accept everything
how it comes, how it goes

Mihaela Melnic, lives and writes in Rome, Italy. Her recent work was published at Dissident Voice, Setumag, and Noiqui. Other poems of hers are forthcoming this summer in different venues. 

Mihaela's bilingual debut poetry collection "Change of Seasons" was released in 2018. She is currently working on a collaborative book of poems and short stories titled Evermore, set to be published later this year through 17Numa Press.

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