Thursday, 5 August 2021

One Beautiful Poem by Lisa Reynolds


(after artist Sarah Fligel’s painting, Weaver of Worlds)


She had a whispered way of speaking

as though the words that passed her lips

were woven from delicate prose -

gifted from starlight in their brilliance yet,

gentle like a soothing caress in their delivery.


Those seeking kindness in a world where

guttural language crushed spirits,

found comfort in her presence.


Day and night, she welcomed them

with tender affection.


Sahkiwewin, they called her; woman who

expresses love through actions.



Award winning poem 

Sahkiwewin - an Indigenous word meaning: to put love into one’s actions. (which is an Indigenious word meaning: to put love into one's actions).  Pronounced Saw-Key-Way-Win (my phonetic breakdown). 

This poem received first place in a writing contest initiated by the Writing Community of Durham Region. The poem was published on the WCDR's website in November 2020.

The challenge was for interested members of the WCDR to write an interpretation (in under 100 words) of artist Sarah Fligel's painting, Weaver of Worlds. 

Lisa Reynolds is a Canadian writer of poetry and short stories. Her works are published internationally in anthologies, literary journals, and magazines. She lives in a waterfront community east of Toronto, Ontario.


  1. You captured her spirit in your poetic expression. I eenjiyed reading your poem,


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