Saturday, 14 August 2021

One Poem by Susan Tepper & Art by Digby Beaumont




How will lift-off

be accomplished

what with cracks &

fissures showing

in the craft


Though I’m desperate to go



And you assured me

all had been

engineered specifically


taking into account

any possible mishaps


Immediately raising my red flag




Brimming with stardust

the craft

seemed under-stocked

on food & essentials


Though the wine cellar

held enough to get us

there— and on to

Venus if we wanted

Susan Tepper is a twenty year writer and the author of nine published books of fiction and poetry.  Her most recent are a poetry chap CONFESS (Cervena Barva Press, 2020) and a funky road novel WHAT DRIVES MEN (Wilderness House Press, 2019). Currently, she’s in pre-production of an Off-Broadway Play she wrote and titled ‘The Crooked Heart’ based on artist Jackson Pollock in his later years.

Digby Beaumont is a self-taught artist whose work has appeared in a number of online journals. Much of his work is with portrait and figure painting. He is also a widely-published writer. His short fiction has appeared in numerous print and online journals and anthologies, including The Best Small Fictions. For a showcase of Digby’s work: 


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