Saturday, 14 September 2024

Three Poems by Hilary Canto


SI Room 


Worship AI 

New saviour 

Sell your soul 

AI control 

Humanity's death 

round the corner 

free ourselves 

from technical slaughter 

Unseen Mind 

Secret weapon 

Beyond infinity 

Spirit within 

Greatest power 

Spiritual intelligence 

Cosmic dance 

with everything 

No tech or robot 

Can compare 

With greatest intelligence 

Human software 

Nuclear fusion 

Electro magnetic 

Chemical, gaseous 

Light, sound, electric 

Mental telepathy, 

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, 


Healing Human empathy 

Not our saviour 

AI boom 

Space out in the  

Spiritual Intelligence room.



The Space Between 


The space between lines 

reality lies 

The space between words 

the message is heard 

The space between notes 

the music evokes 

The space between footsteps 

Life’s motion felt 

The space between thoughts 

lessons taught 

The space between tears 

conquers fears 

The space between 

transmits, receives 

The space between 


The Space between 

heals, loves 

The space between 


 All That Is. 



Human Potential 


Born a blank canvas 

 destiny awaits discovery 

flesh, blood, bone 

to naked eye 

yet much more 

came from the sky 

perfect blend 

of cosmic energy 

perfect soul 

protected in flesh 


Mission impossible 

assigned to humanity 

overcome tribal behaviour 

undo war and destruction 

evolve the race 

towards kindness, unity 

great human beings 

gentle, loving, powerful energy 

light the way 

restore the paradise garden 


Spiritual Fire  

awaits activation 

guiding passion 

unwavering strength 

certainty of being 

universal communication 

cosmic knowledge 

remember truth 

one heart, one mind 

no separation - humankind 



Human potential 

lies still inside, viscerally felt 

unwavering, unseen 

dig down deep 

reach for the stars 

ancient wisdom, modern science 

moving forward  

with each step back 

integrating old and new 

understood by very few 


Shifting perception  

Opens the heart 

memories flicker 

origins, questions 

why am I here 

who am I 

what is my purpose? 

Direct the unknown 

mysterious journey 

returning home. 

Hilary CantoInner rays of light shone through living in the Shire, magical Greece, and enchanted Highlands of Scotland as I journeyed with prose in a varied career including music, sound healing, and the creative industry. Fulfilling a personal dream to write and record an album of healing songs, I now express through poetry and articles to lift the reader and listener of my words between earthly realms and mysteries of the universe! Global Love Day Directors Poetry Award 2023/ 2017; two articles published in Insight journal of The World Congress of Faiths 2019/2020; articles for the M.E. Association magazine M.E Essentials 2021- 2024; poetry published on Poetry for Mental Health’s website 2024 plus regular column and occasional article in the monthly e zine; Lothlorien Poetry Journal inspiring new prose in 2024! 

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