Thursday, 5 September 2024

Five Poems by Demond J Blake





The moment this 

Bastard comes around 

I start  

Waiting for 

Everything to 

Collapse around 



“Oh don’t be that way”  

Comfort says “let's go buy some  

wine and laugh 

all night” 


“you jerk I bet someone’s 

waiting to knife me outside” 



says comfort  

then giggles 


I dress and step 


My door 


No one is out there with 

A knife  


I make it to the store 

Get the wine 

Make it back 





Comfort is waiting  

for me glass in hand 


“why won’t you  

leave?” I ask 


“cause you worry too much” 


“I only worry cause  

of your ass” 


I pour us a drink  



gulps his   

down smiling 

at me 



No bono



Outside the  


We wait for 

The public  


And I must 

Say most 

Of us look 

Like we need 



We are unwashed 

Tired looking 

Beat down 



We are the 



We got into 

A little  



We need 



But the defenders 

Are taking 

Their sweet 

Time getting 

To us waiting 

For pretrial in 

Department S9 

Stomach gurgling 


Top ramen is a 

Poor substitute  

For dinner on 

Most nights 


Some cops mob 

Up and herd us  

Across the 


Because some 

Prisoners are 

Being escorted 

To the courtroom 


The fuzz tell 

Us not to 

Interact or 



I take a  

Quick peek 


4 men in 

Green jumpsuits 

Legs and wrists 

Chained shuffle 

Slowly along 

As folks whisper 

Amongst themselves 

And the chains 

Sing to each other 


Once they're in we 

Go back to  

Our spots 


None of us 

Will probably 

End up in 

Chains today 


But the way 

Things are 

Going you 

Can never 




Sign of the times…



Me and my wife 

Mic we’re heading  

To our car from  

The store when 

A car pulls  

Up real fast  

To the stop 

Sign and the  


Gets out  

Drops her 

Shorts and 

Starts shaking 

Her ass just 

While the  

Driver is  

Getting out 

Of the car 

Busts out 

His phone 

And starts 


We look at 

Each other 

And then 

At them as 

He films 

And spanks 

Her ass as  

She continues to 

Twerk, twerk 



I’m confused 

Mic says it’s  


Some Tik-Tok 



I nod in  


Then we get 

In the car 

Sign of times 

I say 




I guess 



Past it 


I wonder 









In the big break 

Room at work 

There multiple  

TVs on the walls 

And for some 

Reason a psycho 

Always has  

a couple of 

Them tuned  

Into the news 


It was verboten 

For us to change 

The channel or 

Even touch 

The tv's so 

We all tried to  

Ignore them 

as best 

We could 


Today though 

The president 

Was on the tv 

And the volume 

Was turned up 

Louder than 



Somebody must 

Really hate 



The president  

Said his patience 

Was running 

Thin w/those 

Of us who won’t 

Get injected 


He looked good  

On the tv in 



His mouth only 

Slightly glistened 

From where they 

Must’ve recently 

Wiped the  



They have his 

Stuttering down 

From several  

Dozen times 

To a couple 

Of dozen times 


The president  

Looked pressed 

And cleaned 

Like a suit  

fresh from  

the cleaners 


there he is  

the most  



in US 


80 million 

votes reading  


threats to the 




Sometimes we 

Get exactly 

What we 




the shrug of life



I was wandering around the streets 

Of Long Beach somewhat drunk 


While my friends were at a  

Concert at the Long Beach Arena  


I didn’t have any money so 

I couldn’t go to the show 

I just came along for the  

Spice rum that would 

Be drank and pot that 

Would be smoked on the way 


With them gone though 

I was left on my own broke 

A little cold shuffling around 

Those streets 


I was on my way to the hotel 

Across the street from the  

Arena after being kicked 

Out of several bars for 

Loitering when I passed 

A man who looked about 

Fifty or so whose face was 

Covered with blood  


None of that bothered 

Him though he just 

Stood outside watching 

Cars go by 


His clothes weren’t 

Torn or messed up 

In fact, they looked  

Cleaner than mine  

His grey hair was  

All over the place 

Some hanging in his  

Face mixing with the 



I stopped walking and  

Watched him for a few 

Minutes as he watched 

The cars  


He didn’t notice 

Or just ignored me 


Then two ladies who  

Were walking their  

dog come up 


They look at the man 

And ask him if he’s 

All right 


He shrugs  


They ask him how he 

Got the blood on his 

His face he says 

Got beat up  

Matter of factly 


They ask the man  

If he’d like them 

To phone for help 


He shrugged again 


So, the ladies got  

out their cell phone  

dialled 911 told  

The operator 

About the man etc  

And hung up 


They asked the man 

If he wanted them to  

Stay until help came 


He shrugged  

So, they stayed  


The dog came 

Up to the man and  

He petted it smiling 

All the while


Demond J Blake is a warehouse associate who has travelled the country working odd jobs, writing and meeting various artists, musicians and nonconformists living life on the fringes of society. He lives in Colton, CA with his wife and teenage son. Demond is currently seeking publication for an essay collection entitled 'The Spiritual Matrix', 'The ______ Generation: Slackass' his first novel and 'Pay Me the Penny After' his first collection of poetry. 










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