Saturday, 14 September 2024

Five Poems by Maria Downs



Herald the light, the dawn, the day,
where sweet, songbirds pulsate,
their soft, velvet rhymes, upon the way,
where love’s truce of peace,
can be witnessed, can be seen,
amidst this lavish brilliance, of melody,
amidst the vivid lime, the bright – lit, emerald,
of the waving, green.

Where lavender and the buddleias, leak
their fragrant scents, at the late spring
and cascades of fuchsias, with budding bells,
soon boast their berry – like, heads,
that drip such sparkle, amidst those leafy, ferns.

When the morning dew sweeps,
its satin sheen, no more
for melting rays invite, the hawthorn white,
to splay its petals, dazing, to view –

rejoicing, over the great – crested, grebes,

flitting to escape, from the jaws of the pike,
that now swarm the streams.

Making merry, float the honey bees,
near each cocoon, of every chrysalis,
that will soon outburst, with the red admiral,
gloating in its raiment, though disguised,
for each flowering fruit, of every tree.

Where the heart endears, to espy,
this serene, rural scene,
scattering its idyll of embroidery,
across the hills and vales,
that dream in, this vesture of light,
dressing those ridges and slopes,
with arrays of yellow, primrose
and lilies, of pink delight –

blazing its hues, that turn and cast,
their bright or pastel shades,
with this long toll, of sun – lit, hours
this trooping fanfare, of envisioned life,

though adorned, so free and simple,
yet, will hold in its power,
to compel, the heart and mind,
live out, this eternal dream,
where this haven of heaven, endorses, good things
from those lonely skies, on high,
to the rich, earthy lands, beneath.


Pull of grace,
that keeps the heart and mind, enveloped
intact, within a noble peaceful, place,
as an oasis, filled, with an abundance of green,
bursting with flora, as the gold sun will gleam.

Lilies roses peonies, sweeping colours, vibrant
that daze the eye, blinded, by light
filtering striking, glints and shafting, beams
that paint, those vivid shades.

Ornately adorned, decorating,
those grassy fields, with an exuberance of fauna,
before the springtime, morn –

beading, sparkling mosaics, for the pilot’s eye,
that dance, as a stream of glistening jewels –
ruby emerald sapphire,
blazing, as fire, before the eyes.

Lavish cocktails, swarming, at the late spring,
in a mirage heat haze,
that swims warm, spiralling, rainbow hues,
that layer the air.

Leaving the traveller, in awe, to espy,
this woven tapestry, braided, so fair.

What jewels, save in Nature’s wild,
can exhort such a wonder, to envisage,
this fabric of embroidery,
that spans miles?

While affirming, such dazzling beauty,
warbles each little bird, nearby,
perched, in those leafy trees,
rhyming beats, that breathe such melody,
while the hours slowly drift, under the still, skies,

now and then, alighting upon those petals,
that pout, to dare
sharing within the picture, paint,
that creates the collage, everywhere.

Leaving this idyll of fantasy, once more,
to remain, within the dream,
the lonely dream of a beautiful, mind
that wondrous stares, at this myriad, sea –

rapture stays with the gaze,
up to the lands, that rim
the very eye and ear, listening still,
beyond and so far, into the fading, dim.


Imaginary, beauty worlds,
where the senses perceive and hear,
this myriad – coloured, Eden, brimming over,
with all things fair, yet seeming, ever near –

those plumaged, tropical birds, boasting
such vivid, vibrant hues,
the lotus balm, with its healing remedies,
to calm the spirit and subdue,
each anger, temper, quell and soothe,
each vexation or fret,
amidst the havoc of each town, to view.

Here, where the cascading waterfalls, roar
where souls, stand naked,
before the mantle sun,
feeling the tingling water, hiss and spray,
the soul elating, at this return to Nature,
where the wild beats, its pounding rhythms,
all those dream – filled, days

and skies stay, free of cloud,
where white, doves endless, soar –

a symbol, to accompany, this eternal harmony,
where souls search, no more,
while at the lull of eve,
little floating lanterns, light up
bobbing, like yo-yos, upon the starry air,
like candles aflame, in the darkness,
inspiring hearts, romancing, there –

ambling across those tiny bridges,
that arch and curl,
throughout this magic land,
where small, streams dance,
to this perpetual, pageantry
shimmering golden, under the sun and moon.

Endless gleaming,
to daze the sense and worship,
these gifts, that yield such wonder,
before those skies and seas, of blue.

The mind in awe, of this lost place -
a world beyond,
that beats its song,

so long, so far away.


Time, always elusive, as each brilliant mind,
travelling through space, with the speed of light.

Who is to know or fathom, its immense mystery,
its infinite span, extending,
throughout all of human history?

Holding such immense power, to vanquish the life,
subtle, as the turn of every season,
that splays its various, vivid colours,
under this sun, so bright,

for some of the young, perhaps, trivialized,
so immersed in the moments,
pertaining, to each instance,
as this golden star each day, will rise.

Yet within its grasp, does each atom, evolve,
each chemical element, the basic constants,
from which the created universe, follows
in its tracks, to enlighten some souls–

questioning its origins, the very concepts of space time,
that in its random or ordered, pattern unfolds,
to reveal this cosmos, yet indeed,
an infinite number of others, too,
gazing in awe, at the wondrous blue and at night,
the beautiful heavens, viewed.

All occurring, simultaneously, the sense aware,
awake to parallel worlds, the ideologies
the never–ending, language of each entity,

as if to mirror the self, yet be just,
as this, but somewhere else,
in another dimension, as the spirit,
that never dies, but lives–

where time itself, unifies, into one-
the ultimate entirety of understanding, to know.

Here then, to glimpse dear, as in dreams
the gates unlocked, the soul to be alone, itself,
amidst immortality.

Though bound, constrained, upon this earth,
yet still blessed to fame,
each glimpse of endless beauty still,
upon this wild wild, world.


To live so wild, amidst the verdurous green,
trekking light–foot, amidst this dream of peace,
with no other thought, but of the heaven’s realms,
where flying, birds drift and soar, in the skies,
when the ear awakes to nought,
but the silence of sunrise.

Serene, amidst this bliss,
hearing those waving seas, beat and hiss,
hark, to a cry, but only of those gulls,
wailing amidst this atmosphere,
now content, to be alone,

as the curious mind floats,
fascinated, by this still hush, where little moves,
upon bush and tree, upon the cool air,
save only, those dark clouds, that loom.

To yearn for those, now, a long time, dead-
those ghosts, that remain impenetrable, to hear
each voice that howls, with all, that is said,

thrilling to enamour, each sense shrill,
with these spectres, imagined,
to pierce through the veil
and probe, for answers, amidst the night chill,
from these calls beyond, that echo, still.

Though no iron tongue yells, nor rants, to mock
yet, your eyes, amidst those dim shadows,
perceive no more, but the pale–lit, glow
of the white, moon face,
hears alert, to the owl,
that pipes its breath and the bats, that circling, rush
within this dark lair, of seemly, death.

Still vexed to learn, from all, that is gone,
as those waves, still beat and spray,
hurl, their haunting, song–

leaving the soul, at rest, to stay
amidst this lonely dream,
where the heart pounds, to this gloom
this uncanny place, as the wayward mind embraces

those lives, within the tomb.

Reaching to touch, each cold stone, just
but only, amidst this silence, so loved,
to unravel each sound, amidst Nature’s face,
such words that speak, of this beautiful, place.


Maria Downs - Has been playing the piano for fifty years. She a has painted over 150 artworks, of garden scenes, moorlands and seascapes for fourteen years and has been writing poetry, concerning Nature’s realms, the universe and the soul, for forty years, writing over 2200, verses.

Maria has lived in Lyon, France, studying French and in Florence, Italy, studying the history of art, musical drama, history of Greek theatre, aesthetics, Italian language and classical music with emphasis on the composers, Robert Schumann and Debussy.

She reads excessively and now, mainly loves writing her verses, reading biographies about interesting gifted people, playing upbeat pop music, easy listening, and Motown, Rhythm and blues and Soul music on her piano. She loves to read, a genuine “good book”.




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