i feared: a love unrequited
rose finch,
i think of you often;
more than i would
sometimes like—
but true love never
dies and i cannot stop
loving you,
even if we're oceans
apart now;
i was afraid to tell you
who i was or of my love to you
but you were my Galadriel
and i thought of myself as a
mere whisper in your life—
i couldn't dare to ask you
not even for one
strand of the sunlight of your soul:
vibrant, pure, golden;
and i thought the footing of our
friendship was already uprooting—
i told myself to swallow it all down,
my co-worker said i should've told you
all of the intensity and enormity of
everything i was feeling, but i told her
i didn't know if it would make a difference;
for while all love is beautiful
i feared a love unrequited.
& yet it died
i always wanted a love
so enduring and enchanted
as Aragorn and Arwen,
but perhaps with a little less angst;
perhaps a love more like the
one Eowyn found—
all i know is you were the brightest
sun i have ever met,
and more than anything i wanted
to be your moon;
and i didn't know how to express
that to you—
i didn't know how to confess
my feelings for i was
trying so hard to deny who i was,
when i was younger
a boy took his own life for all the
bullying he received for being gay;
i guess i was afraid of killing my
relationship with you—
& yet it died, anyway.
song of sunlight
when i looked up
rose finches,
i was both thrilled and surprised
they were truly real;
and then i thought of you—
if you were a bird,
that is what you'd be;
i know it—
you simply walked into my life,
taught me so much,
introduced me to new things,
shows, books, movies,
and perspectives;
if life is a stage then i am
walking in a tragedy without you—
my love is enduring,
and though we do not speak any
i know it will not die—
felt you once in the song of sunlight
dancing in the wood,
and sometimes i wonder if we look at
the same moon.
echoes of you
i remember when
you grabbed my hand
within your own,
and it sparked something
in me that i didn't know
how to quash or quell;
i always found you beautiful
even before i fell for you—
i remember you showed me
how ballerinas toes
weren't pretty because of how
you were forced to stand
in those shoes;
but the way you danced into my life
you could've been kin of Legolas
or Galadriel—
you were a song of sunlight
that my soul refuses to forget,
once as i sat writing a pink sunset
washed over me kissing me with
echoes of you.
haunting dream
were you to stand by
me tomorrow and accept
every apology i would
stand in stunned silence,
yet appreciation;
i know you don't owe me
anything but i felt i owed you
i find joy when i see pink sunsets
though i never liked them before
i met you,
but the colour pink seems lovely
in all of her shades now;
she may not be my favourite but
i will always think of you—
remember when we saw
that purple butterfly
or when you gave me a pink rose?
remember when i starred in your
theatre production,
and when we went to Dracula's ball?
i cannot tell you when my heart
fell for you, only that she did;
and once i had a dream
that you forgave me and i woke
up smiling only to realize it
wasn't real and you were
not here and you hadn't forgiven me.

Linda M. Crate (she/her) is a Pennsylvanian writer whose poetry, short stories, articles, and reviews have been published in a myriad of magazines both online and in print. She has twelve published chapbooks: A Mermaid Crashing Into Dawn (Fowlpox Press - June 2013), Less Than A Man (The Camel Saloon - January 2014), If Tomorrow Never Comes (Scars Publications, August 2016), My Wings Were Made to Fly (Flutter Press, September 2017), splintered with terror (Scars Publications, January 2018), More Than Bone Music (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, March 2019), the samurai (Yellow Arrowing Publishing, October 2020), Follow the Black Raven (Alien Buddha Publishing, July 2021), Unleashing the Archers (Guerilla Genesis Press, August 2021), Hecate's Child (Alien Buddha Publishing, November 2021) fat & pretty (Dancing Girl Press, June 2022), and Searching Stained Glass Windows For An Answer (Alien Buddha Publishing, December 2022). She has three novellas and four full length poetry collections. Her debut book of photography Songs of the Creek (Alien Buddha Publishing, April 2023) was published in spring of 2023.
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