Saturday, 14 September 2024

One Poem by Debarati Sen




Like a chrysalis moon, I emerge out of my yesteryears, with nostalgia dripping from my veins.

I look for a home far away from home

like a rootless man seeking a sense of belonging to a place.

As I stand by my window and gaze outside

threadbare memories look for  sunshine on a frosty noon,

their faint murmur is like the bourdon note of yesterday.

From the other end of the horizon, a new tomorrow beckons me,

I trundle along to hold its hand. 

A yesterday wrapped in camaraderie walks past me

and vanishes into the silence of a late winter evening.

As the last train leaves the station,

I prepare to leave yesterday behind

like the old geometry box that I no longer need. . 

On my way back, a Gulmohar reminds me,

‘Every end is a new beginning’.

I metamorphose into a butterfly moon.


Debarati Sen-Recipient of the ‘POIESIS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN POETRY -2023’ and the Sylvia Plath Women's Literary Award, Debarati is a  poet from Kolkata. She has published two solo poetry collections and has contributed to a few anthologies. Her poems have been published in webzines like The Antonym, The Yugen Quest Review, The Kolkata Arts, Lapis Lazuli, The Madras Courier, The Sindh Courier, The Piker Press, Chakkar, Kabitalive, to name a few. She has been invited by Samyukta Poetry and Women Empowered Poetry to read her poems. Debarati has recently been nominated for the prestigious Touchstone Award for her senryu published in the Horror Senryu Journal.



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