Saturday, 9 December 2023

Three Poems by David M Blake


And if the heart’s a rock


Then chisel away

until it cracks and splits

apart like a nation

at war with itself.


Break it into pieces

and gather its dust

in a jar to display

like seaglass on

a shelf. Somewhere

where you can keep

it in your view and

study the concaves

of each crevice;

how it formed

and what minerals

or memories it is made of.

Carry me in your breath

in a way that is lighter

than it could ever be

in my chest.

Sad in another time zone


When I was younger I thought

the rails would compose promises

from across the county line of

backpacks and hot metal screeching

towards the desert but I hate the heat and

to escape it I would have to get hotter

which is not what I was willing to do

so I instead put their songs through

headphones and imagine what the plains

smelt like would they cause me to sneeze

like my desert pollen what about the east

coast is the water really warmer would it

not turn my skin red like

the cold of the Pacific.


I sit in airplanes monthly and

feel sad in a different time zone.


Into the Green


Mist rises above the lake vibrating

green, dancing alongside the pine

trees and sways along the shore.


Steam rises out of the plastic

lid of my coffee cup and the water

is flattered by its reflection.


I fell off the dock once, ages ago

my arms flapped until they failed

and I sighed until I reached the bottom.


It took 30 minutes before I decided

not to drown. The fish nipped at me

in relish–bait without a hook.


I knew I’d miss the simple things, coffee,

uncertainty, spiralling, misty mornings,

fall weather. There has to be more than this

I told myself as I reeled myself to the shore.

David M Blake, from San Bernardino, CA, intertwines personal reflections on childhood and loss with an introspective exploration of life and death in his evocative poetry. With a BA in English, a Master's in Education, and a current pursuit of an MFA in Creative Writing, David's verses, influenced by Allen Ginsberg and modern poets like Neil Hilborn, have found homes in various literary journals. His work stands as a testament to a nuanced understanding of the human experience, capturing the intricacies of emotion and existential contemplation. Through a raw and authentic voice, David invites readers into a world where every line is painting on the canvas of humanity.


1 comment:

  1. Unique. The words flow easily into the reader's heart. Don't let AI (universities) spoil your poetry by instructing you how to write.


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