Monday, 4 December 2023

Four Poems by Gordon Scapens



The moon captures

The nakedness of trees

on the lake`s face.

The story of stars

already mirrored

is an endless prompt

across dark ripples.

Silence is played

on the night`s stereo

and I breathe in

like a drug addict.

I dream words

tailoring the world

to fit my fairy tale

about the direction

our lives are taking,

suppressing the voice

that tells me I’m a fool

to believe the unattainable

I close my eyes

on something moist

that condenses

into a metaphor

for peace,

even though the world

is slowly killing itself.


Yes we were

more than voters

less than winners,

They were

more than a question

less than the answer,

We were

more than a suggestion

less than an awareness,

They were

more than the past

less than the future,

They were

more than a lie

less than the truth,

They were

more than certain

less than right.

Yes we were

more and less

than the rage

of a decision

We saw the face

that walked trust away.


I give directions

to an unkempt stranger

who wields coarse sentences

and a strong body odour.

I take great pains

to get the directions correct,

short and to the point.

I don’t challenge eyes,

I frame a gap between us,

I censor my remarks,

I remember to smile.

I walk away with some relief,

admitting my cowardice,

not caring to wait

to interpret his silence.

These days are such

it’s easy to direct oneself

to wrong place, wrong time.


It’s not that you’re indispensable

but with artistic flair

you steer me into a corner

until I’m safely gathered in,

and fix the speed

of whatever ensues.

It’s not that you need me

but a fugitive heart

shelters in your answers.

I am a safe house,

no questions asked,

no promises sought.

It’s not that we fit

but our mistakes match,

stand and confront us

as a signpost revolution

directing us across

what divides us.

It’s not the fear of loss

but the promise of bursting

into something bigger

that holds us together.

We are more than guests

in each other’s lives now

and that in itself

is a beautiful truth.

Gordon Scapens - is widely published over many years in numerous magazines, journals, anthologies and competitions, most recently First Prize in the Brian Nisbet poetry award. He lives in Preston in the United Kingdom.


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