Saturday, 2 December 2023

One Poem by Shivangi Mishra


Wild in Restraint, Pristine as Unkempt

Debris post a celebratory whirlpool, 

Swirling berserk, 

I watch bystanding gazes swoosh stoic concern, rippling-up seashores glistening lights, into frozen mockery,

Our world turns out to be an aesthetic charade,

A million camera-flashes blind and deafen.

Almost as if practise-session(s) meant to acquire the wherewithal to conquer snakes and ladders.

I see holidays, all merrily gone haywire in television commercials right before sight,

A replica of method-acting, possibly.  

A handful of sparkles loudly plucked, most quietly hoarded. 


Days all passed by, as if toddlers aged one, we beam at a newer seashore,

Pines and wilderness and clearer waves, 

Wild in restraint, pristine as unkempt, 

Cradled within the arms of vicarious infancy, I wonder if in its swathe of unreasoned mirth, anything would ever be foreign, 

I barely onlook but communicate with apparently seated magnificence, all set to dive into attendance for the humble sake of child’s play,

All sombre incumbencies being parcelled away,  

Whooshing like the breeze by the shore, I know there reside self-styled planters cleaning up sand of their own accord, 

Chasing better alternatives over real games of chess and board, 

As the misty sea vanishes from the earnest shore at a distance, 

The distance perceivable albeit unaccomplished, 

Ornamented by the setting sun converging into the retreating sea.

Shivangi Mishra is currently pursuing masters in law at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India. Her writings feature on Ephemeral Elegies, Adelaide Literary Magazine, The Hindu, Madras Courier, The Chakkar: An Indian Arts Review, IndusWomanWriting, Society of International Law and Policy, Law School Policy Review and Kautilya Society, etc.

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