Monday, 4 December 2023

One Poem by Elena Ershova - Translated from Russian to English




Какие вы – такая ваша жизнь!

Полны добра и светитесь от счастья,

Готовы людям радость подарить, –

И вам ответят тем же в одночасье.


Когда сияет солнце изнутри,

Тогда вокруг вас каждый будет счастлив,

Живите, не жалея теплоты,

Чтоб нить добра жила и не угасла.


Живите, излучая доброту,

И, как ребёнок, радуйтесь мгновеньям.

Несите людям радость, теплоту,

Тогда придут и мудрость и прозренье!


Дарите радость людям – не скупясь,

И согревайте словом или взглядом,

В конце поймёте всю взаимосвязь,

Что значит жизнь задаром и недаром!




 What are you - such is your life!

 Full of goodness and glowing with happiness,

 Ready to give joy to people, -

 And they will answer you the same overnight.


 When the sun shines from within

 Then everyone around you will be happy,

 Live without sparing warmth,

 So that the thread of goodness lives and does not die out.


 Live with kindness

 And like a child, enjoy the moments.

 Bring people joy, warmth,

 Then wisdom and insight will come!


 Give joy to people - do not skimp,

 And warm with a word or a look,

 In the end, you will understand the whole relationship,

 What does life mean for free and not without reason!


Translation into English by Elena Ershova

Elena Ershova, city Nolinsk, Russia - is a novelist, poet, children writer and poet, aphorist, publicist, composer and author-performer.

Academic of International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art (IADLA - New York, USA).

Honorary member and head of Volga-Ural department of Writers Union of North America (WUNA - Monreal, Canada).

Member of International Union of Writers (IUW - Russia).

Member of International Union of Singer-Songwriters (IUSS - Russia).

Laurete of international and all-russian literary and international competitions.

Vice-chairman of the Public Relations Department and member of Russian Union of Singer-Songwriters (RUSS - Russia).

Elena has published 7 collections of poems, stories and fairy tales.

She has been published in more than 30 almanacs, collections and anthologies in Russia and abroad (Spain, Portugal, UK, Canada, SSHA, India, Bangladesh, Mexico, Serbia, Moldova, China, Albania).

Head of the authors song club and president of the International Art Song Festival "New Name", city Nolinsk, Russia.

Now, she is engaged in creative activity.

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