Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Ten Poems by Nolo Segundo


Quintessence Of Dust

[With a nod to the Bard]


We are the moving dust,

we are the breathing dust,

we are the seeing dust,

we are the living dust.


But how, you ask, and rightly

so, can dust fall asleep,

dreaming of places unknown

and lovers unmet—how can

dust imagine whole worlds

and love with one heart for

60 winters and 60 summers?


And do the notes that stir life

come also from dust, just a

little dust, and nothing more?

When the music is played

and dust dances with dust,

and dust laughs with dust,

and soon dust loves dust,

can dust ever understand

the paradox of its own

being, from dust to dust?


Not until the winds comes,

the warm winds of Eternity,

will dust be blown away,

leaving the unseen soul

alive, to walk and breathe

and dance and love, bathed

forever in the dustless Light.


A Child And Eternity

When I was a child

Eternity scared me—

I was terrified when


I thought of it—a long

Line never ending,

On and on and on

It went till my mind

Felt like taffy being

Pulled through space.


Somehow I knew it

Was real, Eternity, so I

Lacked the mercy of

Doubt to ease me,

To lessen my fear of

That endless road—

(And now I know some

Grown-ups see it so, an

Unending line of time…)


But now I think time is

More like a ball, past

And present and future

Roll around together—

We call it a ‘moment’

In our world of clocks

And schedules to keep:

But that moment, that

Ghost called time, is just

Eternity visiting the world.



For I Can Hear Life

When our once young selves

turn stale

And old and old and old,


in that beauty

I still see,

I can hear life--

I can hear life

as it calls out

its love song,

its plaintive plea

to my ageless soul….


And when Death makes

its awkward entrance,

my soul--

sudden cut adrift

from its moorings--

will carry that beauty,

that beauty of a life lived,

with all its loves,

with all its joy

and all its sadness

to the next world,

to the next beautiful dream.



Existing Without Time

Imagine …

that you exist without time,

that days and months and years

mean nothing to you,

nor do centuries or millennia or even eons--

an entire universe of time,

some 14 billion years

means little more than a fly

alighting on your nose--

because you know--

you know time is not real

and every moment you exist

weighs more than eternity itself,

because you exist always, endlessly,

without ever beginning-- yes,

you always have been…

and always will be,

you are the moment and

the moment is you,

that is your soul--

what you call time

can no more be grasped

than a hand can grasp hold of…




When Flowers Die                                       

When flowers die,

They die slowly—

Edge by edge

The petals curl,

Still, silently,

Without complaint.


Unlike us,

Cut flowers

Should be let go

Before the first

Tinge of death,

While they are

Yet radiant in

Deepest colour.


We, however,

Must stay alive

Long, long past

Our first bloom—

Till we have

Crinkled and

Brutishly browned

With excess time.


Yet we have what

Flowers have not:

Our love for them

Dies with them.

Our love for our

Beloved blooms,

More resplendent

With long years—

Lasting past the fading,

Lasting past even death.


Echoes Of God


I sometimes find myself

listening for God’s footsteps

as He treads softly, oh, ever

so softly round about me….


I sometimes find myself wanting

to shake God’s hand, gently, lest

my own hand is crushed ….


I sometimes find myself wanting

to give Him a big bear hug,

wrapping my arms around the

endless warmth of Divinity…


I sometimes find myself wanting

to talk with God, to have a most

pleasant and low-key chat about

the meaning of life and death….


But I can’t, I know: how could

anyone survive touching God?


It would be safer to climb a

high-tension pole and reach out

and put my bare hands on the wire

as 50,000 volts course through

my body and my soul is expelled.


It’s just… my longing for Him,

to hear, to feel, to touch, to see

the Lord of All the Worlds….


I suppose I should be happy just

hearing the echoes of God in

the rhythm of rain or the songs

of birds or the giggles of kids

as they play in their own world.


And I am happy to hear His echoes.



When An Old Man Dreams


When an old man dreams,

he never dreams his age--

for only in his dreams can

he become young again

and so he dreams freely

sailing through the world,

carelessly, wantonly even,

for he is young again and

the young fear nothing

except the immediate.


I dreamt last night I was

a young man and moved

through the world as

though I owned it-- I

drove my car like some

immortal fool and went

to a party where I was

the center of my own

attention—and when I

saw a beautiful woman

with her eyes on me,

yes, only me, I went

to her and wrapped her

taut body in my arms

as we kissed a long,

long kiss, lips meshed,

and with eyes closed

we ignored the tiny

world gathered about

us as the soft pleasure

spread to our souls …


I can’t wait to sleep

and dream… to sleep

and dream...to sleep

and dream….



I Too Wanna Live 


I come on the wind, or in a jet if I must,

for distances, borders, mean nothing to me--

I will infect you and turn you into dust

wherever you may flee, for I am a world traveller,

after all, you see….


And I am arbitrary--so fickle!

Some of you I will kill, but most I’ll just make ill,

my thrill!

I’m invisible to your eye, and I don’t care much

if you wail, or just sigh--I have to live too,

don’t I?


So fear what you can’t see, for that is me--

your pride got too big so my ma, Nature,

is gonna make you dig: for a cure, for a hope,

or else for a grave. Now don’t be a dope,

you ain’t no gods, don’t fight the odds--

you wanna live, and so do I.



A Poem Is Just A Tease


a poem is just a tease,

a hint, a slight pull

of the soul as it arches

towards a memory,

like a cool breeze of

early fresh autumn

or the wave of life

in a piece of music

that you love--


no poem can stand

in place of life but

a good poem may

make you recall

its beauty…. 



The Face Of The Buddha


They haunt me still.

The little children laughing,

Always laughing.

The women voluptuous,


Their movement an invitation.

Even the traffic policeman,

Crisp, clean in uniform,

Moving with ballerina grace

As hordes of cyclos and mopeds

And the occasional automobile

Pirouette endlessly about him,

Impatient bees made quiescent

By surreal beauty of white-gloved arms

Cutting through thick tropical air.

Everywhere was grace, gentleness—

Temples incandescent at dawn,

With ant trails of orange-robed monks

Cradling their pot-belly begging bowls.

The patient women standing by the road

To lump rice into the begging bowls,

The monks always staring blankly ahead

Until the women bowed low in reverence,

Grateful their gift of life was taken.

And how wondrous it was,

An accident in the street, yet no anger, no bile—

Forgiveness, felt before thought,

Thought before uttered.

How could such a people murder,

No not murder—slaughter!

Their mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles,

Teachers, priests, friends and children too.

Change temples of peace

Into charnel houses?

Schools of knowledge

Into abattoirs?

They photographed every butchered lamb,

Like the devil’s children on holiday,

And decorated the classroom walls,

A show-and-tell of horror and despair.


Why? Why?

Why such pain on such gentle people?

Why did God hide His face

While the world turned its back?

Thirty, forty, fifty years and still—

Still they haunt me.

Nolo Segundo, pen name of L.J.Carber, became a widely published poet in his mid-70's in over 140 literary journals/anthologies in America, Canada, England, Romania, Scotland, Portugal, Australia, Sweden, India and Turkey. A trade publisher, he has released 3 book length collections: The Enormity of Existence [2020], Of Ether and Earth [2021], and Soul Songs [2022]. These titles like much of his work reflect the awareness he's had since having an NDE when as a 24 year old agnostic-materialist, believing only matter was real and so death meant extinction, he lept into a Vermont river in an attempt to end the suffering of a major clinical depression. He learned that day the utter reality that poets, Plato, and Jesus have spoken of for millennia: that every sentient human has a consciousness that predates birth and survives death--a soul. A retired teacher [America, Japan, Taiwan, and Cambodia in the mid-70's] he's been married 43 years to a smart and beautiful Taiwanese woman.



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