Sunday, 31 December 2023

One Poem by Avantika Vijay Singh


A water nymph

A modern-day water nymph are you…

Fitted in your tracks

Sitting on the rocks,

Surveying your surreal expanse

That flows blithely beside you in a dance.


So fluid and graceful are you…

Here you sit on the banks

And there you morph with the ranks

Worshipping the gentle waters

Divining their tranquillity for your inner altars.


Gracefully swimming with the flow,

The ancient songs flowing in your veins,

Burbling with the mystical knowledge,

Of nature's beauty and eternity

At one with the divine forces.



With such grace you preside over the corporate waters,

Often swimming gracefully upstream,

Against the current...

Such quiet strength in your long limbs.

Such rigor and discipline in your gentle disposition.


Tender hearted and compassionate you are,

Melting like the silver moon

In the ripples of the river at night tide,

To encompass all in the benevolence of your beatitude

Stemming from the infinite wells of your empathy.


With such fluidity you cross the borders

Between personal and professional waters

Bringing to the table, a professional exemplary

Bringing to the home, an unmatched identity

Naiad... you are the modern-day woman!



Avantika Vijay Singh is a writer, editor, poet, researcher, and photographer. She is the author of two solo poetry books i.e., Flowing… in the river of life and Dancing Motes of Starlight (her debut ebook). She is the winner of the Nissim International Award Runner Up 2023.

She enjoys a good laugh over herself, as attested by her blog “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives” in the Times of India.

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