Sunday, 13 March 2022

Three Poems by Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia


The Nonsense Trilogy 



Knelling their knolls in knobbly nooks
Crewelling cowls for crumbly crooks
The Hoi Polloi perseverate
Gratitude to Gobbledygooks 

Battling their bad borborygmus 
They cancel coronavirus 
The Juggernaut jots it all down
And tells them, “ Look, there is just us! “ 

The Demons discombobulate 
The populace who rise to bait 
And get banjaxed repeatedly 
By sods who know to spifflicate

Hornswoggled by the blatherskites
Men can not set their house to rights
Caviar to the general is truth 
Where contests turn into street fights

O Men who know not what to do!
Go pluck and eat your callaloo! 
And if you still have time to kill
Play Doom on the Digeridoo!



Catawampus Cattywampus, 
A Kerfuffle- causing virus, 
A mishmash Omnium-Gatherum —
O how it gallimaufries us! 

Coronavirtuous Tinderfrust, 
Mememonger selfiemics trust, 
Covitted to medipulate 
Pandepics for the doomtrimmed crust! 

Vaccinovorus Maskovich, 
Moderna Modern Pfizerpitch, 
Spirit of Sanitizers swashed, 
Not really knowing which from which. 

Lollapalooza Lockazon 
Meshuggenehed a Marathon 
With flaky flimflams fattening 
An Axolotl Amazon. 

O Bugaboo ! Acchaa- Aacchoo! 
O Ballyhoo ! Take care, bless you! 
Yahoo Wahoo ! Hoodoo Voodoo! 
Hullabaloo! Boohoo! Cuckoo!



It was the time of Lockazon 
Lockdown coupled with Amazon
Med- shopping at the speed of light
As if running a marathon 

Vaccinovorus then did muss 
All the Coronavirtuous 
Superior sanctimonious 
Distancing isolating plus 

Keeping a prim and proper crust
Upon their raging Tinderfrust
Unable to pursue the leads
That they wanted to take on trust

For selfiemics no mean task
It was to smile behind the mask
When not able to party hard 
For rock stars — a tremendous ask

The Doomtrimmed marked by self- haircuts 
Iffed me no ifs but me no buts 
Peeped out of highest palaces
As well as from the meanest huts

Fake Medics could medipulate 
Politicians manipulate 
Covitting making promises 
Then leaving people to their Fate

Mememongers met with great success 
Forwarding memes with zealousness 
Soon on big screens the Pandepic 
Will premiere ! Dear me ! God bless! 


New Words : 

 #Lockazon: People worldwide under voluntary house arrest and interacting with the rest of the world largely via Amazon

#Coronavirtuous: Someone bragging about being more superior and sanctimonious than others in meticulously following self-isolation and social distancing norms, repeatedly sanitising, wearing masks, and staying up to date with any new directives from WHO

#Selfiemic: Celebrities experiencing severe mental stress because they are no longer able to maintain an extraordinary glamorous life style. 

#Tinderfrust: Intense irritation felt by users on online dating platforms as they are thwarted from progressing highly promising dating opportunities due to isolation and social distancing measures. Many young bloods are victim of Tinderfrust nowadays as they are forced to binge on home-made samosas and tea at home. 

#Doomtrim: Self-haircut, typically bad one, done at home due to lockdown closing barber shops and hair salons. 
In sheer desperation, a good number of people are giving themselves a Doomtrim with the help of a YouTube tutorial. 

#Pandepic: Excitement at being a bit player in a world historic event that is certain to be made into a dystopian Hollywood blockbuster. Not sure about Bollywood ability to do justice to the Pandemic. 

#Medipulate: Someone who is exploiting health statistics and news to generate widespread alarm over the rapid spread of infection to secure acceptance of unprecedented restrictions on Civil liberties. 

#Covit: Government people making meaningless promises related to tackling the Pandemic. In Britain , Boris Johnson and in the US,  Donald J. Trump have covitted. 

#Mememonger: Self-importantly forward every news item and video clip, however irrelevant and misleading


Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia is the pen name of Amita Paul, a retired civil servant who is at heart a poet and teacher. She writes , mostly poetry, in English, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. She was awarded the NISSIM International Poetry Award 2019 and then the Reuel international Award 2020 for Non- Fiction Prose, while Destiny International Community of Poets UK, declared her Poet of the Year 2020 as well as Critic of the Year 2020, and again in 2021. Besides GloMag, her work has also been featured in Das Literarisch, Doaba,the Lothlorien Poetry Journal, the Yugen Quest Review, Setu Bilingual Magazine, Fasihi Magazine, Spillwords, and several international anthologies.

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