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Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 8 Poets/Authors/List of Contents - Available Now from Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 8 (


Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 8

Echoes Dancing with Shadows

January – Mid February 2022

American poet Carl Sandburg said "poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance. " Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 8, features 74 internationally renowned poets and fiction writers as scintillating Echoes Dancing with Shadows including 2022 Pushcart Prize winner - Kurt Fuchs.


“Poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance” –

                                                         Carl Sandburg


"Rather, I think one should write, as nearly as possible, as if he were the first person on earth and was humbly and sincerely putting on paper that which he saw and experienced and loved and lost; what his passing thoughts were and his sorrows and desires."

- Neal Cassady to Jack Kerouac


"If you believe you're a poet, then you're saved." - Gregory Corso


"I woke up as the sun was reddening; and that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didn't know who I was—I was far away from home, haunted and tired with travel, in a cheap hotel room I'd never seen, hearing the hiss of steam outside, and the creak of the old wood of the hotel, and footsteps upstairs, and all the sad sounds, and I looked at the cracked high ceiling and really didn't know who I was for about fifteen strange seconds. I wasn't scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost. I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future." - Jack Kerouac


"And for just a moment I had reached the point of ecstasy that I always wanted to reach, which was the complete step across chronological time into timeless shadows, and wonderment in the bleakness of the mortal realm." - Jack Kerouac




Margaret Kiernan

Fred Johnston

Lisa Marguerite Mora

Peter Knight

John Drudge

Karen Mooney

Michael Igoe

Catherine Arra

Julian Matthews

Afiah Obeneewaa Grace Danquah

Adrian David

Susan Tepper

Greg Patrick

Yuu Ikeda

Terry Wheeler

Pragya Suman

Rustin Larson

Imelda O’Reilly

Ryan Quinn Flanagan

Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

Steve Klepetar

Brittany Hause translations of Ricardo James Freyre

Peter F. Crowley

Fiona Perry

Paul Demuth

Lynn White

Eric Burgoyne

Sana Tampeen Mohammed

Ernesto P. Santiago

Debbie Robson

Gary D. Maxwell

Mandy Beattie

Gale Acuff

Mona Bedi

Sam Barbee

Kushal Poddar

Kim Malinowski

Julian O. Long

Rowena Newman

Heath Brougher

Hibah Shabkhez

Ken Gosse

Margaret Kiernan

Nicholas Alexander Hayes

Debbie Robson

Kurt Luchs

RC deWinter

Douglas V. Miller

David Ades

Alan Catlin

Ursula O’Reilly

Peter Magliocco

Dmitriy Galkovskiy

John Grey

Richard M. Ankers

Wayne F. Burke

Dana Trick

Ethan Vilu

Duane Vorhees

Les Wicks

David Alec Knight

Adele Ogier Jones

James Miller

Angel Edwards

Christopher Barnes

Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia

Daniel Nemo

Doris Wei Tan

GJ Hart

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha

Adrian David

Sunil Sharma

Joe Sebastian

Mohibul Aziz

Bhuwan Thapaliya

Salim Yakubu Akko




Editorial Poems by Strider Marcus Jones                              Pages


January – Mid February 2022 - Poems and Fiction


Margaret Kiernan

1.         Trip to the Mountain                                                  16-17

Fred Johnston

1.         How to Save a Life                                                     18-21

2.         An Event

3.         Song of a Child in an Atlantic Liner

4.         Arc

5.         Lake Incident

6.         Bone Room

Lisa Marguerite Mora

1.         Surfeit                                                                         22-26

2.         Yesterday Paris

3.         King Lear

4.         Winter, Winter

Peter Knight

1.         Brust, the Witwerd                                                     27-34

2.         boggart hole clough: silent eyes speak

3.         Humpty doo

4.         Childbane

5.         that stranger eye

John Drudge

1.         A New Voice                                                              34-37

2.         Brambles

3.         Into the Machine

4.         Loss

5.         On the Horizon

Karen Mooney

1.         beginnings                                                                  37-40

2.         I think of you as a tree

3.         Apple Tart and Lemon Meringue Pie

4.         I Touched You

Michael Igoe

1.         All Skin And Bone                                                     41-44

2.         Think This Way

3.         Fissure

4.         Waiting for St. Stephen

Catherine Arra

1.         Wheel of Fortune                                                       44-48

2.         The Tower

3.         The Sun

4.         Writer’s Block

5.         High on the Slanted Ceiling

Julian Matthews

1.         I am not an Xmas tree                                                48-50

Afiah Obeneewaa Grace Danquah

1.         Red in Pink                                                                 50

Adrian David

1.         Tribulations                                                                51

Susan Tepper

1.         Conspiracy – Meditations on dear Petrov                  52

Greg Patrick

1.         Raven’s Night – Short Story                                      52-55

Yuu Ikeda

1.         Whiskey’s Kiss                                                           55-56

2.         I’m an Impatient Poet

Terry Wheeler

1.         Timothy Leary                                                            57-61

2.         open the hive

3.         dark ages

4.         there is no end of talking

5.         sound effects

Pragya Suman

1.         A Pink Postmodernist Crept in Pale Prague               62-64

2.         Cold Coffee

3.         The Bier’s Bench

Rustin Larson

1.         Houdini                                                                       64-71

2.         Song of September

3.         Overripebananas

4.         The Make No Sense Room

5.         Silence, Earthling

Imelda O’Reilly

1.         Hoax                                                                           72-74

2.         Pomegranate and Plums

3.         Gas Bottles to the Soul

4.         Back

5.         Holes

Ryan Quinn Flanagan

1.         Every Night She Has Dinner With Me                       74-77

2.         The Junkie in the Bathroom

3.         We Don’t Care What You Say

4.         Grapes of Wrath

5.         Sitting in a Dark Bathroom

Antonia Alexandra Klimenko

1.         Dear Mom – Flash Fiction                                         77-79

Steve Klepetar

1.         My Parents Walked by the Sea                                  79-81

2.         The University of Forgotten Names

3.         The Velvet Dark

Brittany Hause translations of Ricardo James Freyre

1.         Song of Evils                                                              81-86

2.         The Heroes

3.         The Hero’s Death

4.         The Sword

5.         Valhalla

Peter F. Crowley

1.         Alissa – Short Story                                                    86-90

Fiona Perry

1.         Everyday Goddess                                                      90-91

Paul Demuth

1.         Twins                                                                          91-92

Lynn White

1.         The Crimea Pass                                                         92-94

2.         The Fallen Ones

3.         A Hair’s Breadth

Eric Burgoyne

1.         Pretty Girl On The Beach                                           95-98

2.         5,000 Miles Away

3.         Pineapple Stain

4.         Nearing Hanales

5.         Manhattan Island

Sana Tampeen Mohammed

1.         Arabesque                                                                   99

2.         No Casualties

Ernesto P. Santiago

1.         Haiku                                                                          100-101


Debbie Robson

1.         Passage                                                                       101-102

Gary D. Maxwell

1.         Sonnet                                                                         102

Mandy Beattie

1.         Asleep - Awake                                                          103-107

2.         Through the Turnstile Between Two Fields

3.         Here Meets There

4.         Inside The Kist of Caithness

5.         Neeps and Pumpkins are not just for Halloween

Gale Acuff

1.         When the world ends I guess I will too, but               107-109

2.         One day when I’m dead you’ll be sorry I

3.         One day your dead so they tell me at church

4.         I don’t want to die, not that I’m happy

5.         Everybody goes to heaven they say

Mona Bedi

1.         Haiku                                                                          109-110

Sam Barbee

1.         Tissue                                                                         110-114

2.         Urbia

3.         Bonsai

4.         Evened Temper

5.         The Telephone Game

Kushal Poddar

1.         Politics                                                                        115-116

2.         The Slow Dog

3.         Hunger

4.         Calendar

Kim Malinowski

1.         Who will sing our names to the stars                         117-120

2.         Unfastened by magnets

3.         Stonehenge Bluestone

4.         Wing

5.         Shade

Julian O. Long

1.         Loss of Birdsong                                                        120-124

2.         No Kid is Safe

3.         Doe In the Headlights

Rowena Newman

1.         Sheela-Na-Gig                                                            124-126

2.         Beautiful ice cream

3.         What the leaves said

Heath Brougher

1.         Kerouacian Haiku                                                       126-130

2.         Sleep Deprived Personification of Motionless Cars

3.         The Phony

4.         Everyone Pays a Toll

5.         Dark Side of the Bed

Hibah Shabkhez

1.         Plenicorn, Not Cavicorn                                             130-132

2.         Would We Love You Then

3.         Painted Flower and Dying Flower

4.         Authorship

5.         Please Go Back

Ken Gosse

1.         The Foggy Foggy Dews and Don’ts of Dewy..Fog    132-136

2.         When in France, Spell as the French Do

3.         A Diamond on the Beach (Walrus & Carpenter poem)

4.         My Side of Genius

5.         The Dark Side of the Rainbow

Margaret Kiernan

1.         Venetian Sojourn                                                        137-139

2.         Venusian Retro-grade

3.         Wheel of Shadows

Nicholas Alexander Hayes

1.         Five Untitled Poems                                                   139-140

Debbie Robson

1.         Passage                                                                       140-141

Kurt Luchs

1.         Baby’s First Lie                                                          141-144

2.         Tabula Rasa

3.         What Borges Said

4.         Robin

5.         Nonbeing

RC deWinter

1.         the treachery of mirrors                                              144-148

2.         after the battle

3.         agent provocateur

4.         9 Lines for June 9

5.         moving day


Douglas V. Miller

1.         A Chance Encounter – Short Story                            149-150

David Ades

1.         New Year’s Day                                                         151-156

2.         If You Could Change One Thing

3.         The Benefactor

4.         Men’s Group Zoom Meeting, Eight Locations

5.         Blinkers

Alan Catlin

1.         Southern Gothic: Romance..Antietam (Black Sun)   157-159

2.         Southern Gothic: A Romance After Sally Mann. The Turn

3.         Southern Gothic: A Romance After Sally Mann. Blackwater

4.         Southern Gothic. Blackwater. (Valentine Windsor)

Ursula O’Reilly

1.         Do Not Disturb the Gnome                                        159-161

2.         Enchanted

Peter Magliocco

1.         Phalanx of Wing                                                         161-164

2.         Street Music Outside Taco Bell

3.         Broken Window in Winter

4.         The Alien Portrait

5.         Living the Dream

Dmitriy Galkovskiy

1.         Yuletide Bestiary –Translated by Alexander Sharov  165-166

John Grey

1.         The Guy                                                                      169-170

2.         The Job Interview

3.         The Names Have Been Changed

4.         Lying In The Meadow

5.         Sunday Morning

Richard M. Ankers

1.         The Endless Night – Short Story                                170-174

Wayne F. Burke

1.         Old                                                                              174-177

2.         Air Force

3.         Day Dreaming

4.         Ache

Dana Trick

1.         Praise to Poetry                                                          177-179

2.         How to Write Poetry

3.         Pens

Ethan Vilu

1.         My Very Own Command Core                                  179-181

2.         After Barnett Newman’s Note XII (State I)

3.         Into The Trench

4.         Third Rondel – Reno, NV

5.         Fourth Rondel – Blue Palace

Duane Vorhees

1.         The Calligrapher Writes the Landscape                     181-184

2.         Mirrors, Heroes and Seers

3.         The Actual Anatomy

4.         The Pit

5.         My Lovers, a Puzzle

Les Wicks

1.         Against the Grain                                                       184-188

2.         Report

3.         What is Believed

4.         Time Taken

5.         The Session

David Alec Knight

1.         Old Scarification and New Wounds                           189-192

2.         Wool Portraiture

3.         The Vernal Morning

4.         Grendel Descent

5.         Saxon Shore

Adele Ogier Jones

1.         On William Blake’s Tyger                                         192-194

2.         The Tiger Called Caspian

James Miller

1.         New Year’s Eve                                                         194-197

2.         Stormy Night

3.         Fire

4.         Moon Sheen on the Lake

Angel Edwards

1.         All in Your Mind                                                        197-198

2.         Beauty Problems

Christopher Barnes

1.         Almanac 26                                                                 199-200

2.         Almanac 27

3.         Almanac 28

4.         Almanac 29

5.         Almanac 30

Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia

1.         Coincidence 1 (Canto Pastiche)                                 200-203

2.         Coincidence 2 (Allusion Pastiche)

3.         Coincidence 3 (Imitation Pastiche)

Daniel Nemo

1.         A Forest                                                                     204-207

2.         A Victory for the Sultan and the Queen of Spades

3.         Central Locking

Doris Wei Tan

1.         Two Paths                                                                   207-208

GJ Hart

1.         What They Say                                                           208-209

Ngozi Olivia Osuoha

1.         Black Child                                                                 209-215

2.         The African Girl

3.         Letter to my Teacher

Adrian David

1.         Petrichor                                                                     215

Sunil Sharma

1.         One Flower – Three States of Mind                           215-218

Joe Sebastian

1.         Tanka, Haiku and Senryu                                           219-222

Mohibul Aziz

1.         To Me Sorrow’s Like                                                 223-224

2.         A Rare Encounter

Bhuwan Thapaliya

1.         Lily in my hand                                                          224-225

Salim Yakubu Akko

1.         Grief as My Uncle                                                      226

2.         Another Beginning


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