Friday, 27 December 2024

Two Poems by Donny Winter


Sky Blood 


Let the child dream, 

let them stay out past sunset until the leaf piles swaddle 

their tired limbs after a long afternoon. 

Afterall, we too recall the comfort we found 

in the damp soil against our backs, 

the sweet scent of decaying foliage, 

because nothing could steal the 

clouds circling overhead, the sky blood  

dripping down the western horizon, 

the golden leaves tumbling onto us 

from the wind whipped by what we 

thought to be dragon wings. 

Even still, when dusk casts limbs in saffron glow, 

I see the indentations we left after those long battles 

with the villains we thought we had slain so long ago. 







Even as the earth still bleeds 

beneath an uncertain eye, 

we pay no need to the little heroes 

who carry mountains, 

the unknown who bear our burdens 

past the point of what seems like no return.  


Even as the earth still bleeds 

beneath an uncertain eye, 

we dance in the smoke we brew, 

the metal we forge, while the little heroes 

save us from ourselves 

to guarantee some sort of future.


Donny Winter is an LGBTQ+ poet, educator, and activist currently residing in Midland, Michigan. He teaches creative writing at Delta College. He’s authored three poem collections: Casting Seeds (2022), Feats of Alchemy (2021), and Carbon Footprint (2020). His poems have appeared in numerous magazines and journals, including Somber Midwest, Awakened Voices, CultureCult Magazine, and Millennium Pulp.



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