Saturday, 28 December 2024

One Poem by AE Reiff


Alms Book

If you don't know what any of this means,
For this old warehouse station of the mind
                                     Preserves ignorance, 

I sing dreams that Isle of Patmos received
whose import distributes Alms
and whose name I bear me guides.
That it hasn't happened yet disturbs the heart.

Place your saxophone against the glass
the window panes reflect,
faces carrying alms along the road behind
actually hold imbuement covering light,
to get to the point that none can say,
no passengers or refugees yet,
along with how the eye sees or the ear hears
before the fall if you like to put it so.

The future so many hours hence, each city illumines stone,
the loam led looks, wind tethered sail, bones underarm.

You know these questions back the reaching field
to breathing in or out, dry grass, ground.
You must be mortal my heifer to hide in kilns.
Sleep prevented no mind out in Gilead.
Lions and tigers lying beneath
turned a sudden bear to verse,
yearning speech in the heart alone beat
in a mountain made good without knowing where,
language flowing clear as a bear.

I told him he should clean the grate
before he cooked the spoon,
Hawks screamed at the suddenness,
“you who hurt with immensity, whose parts fly off in air,
ask this question beyond the edge of the egg,
what happens, what is the worst?”
The worst is not to live.

Ask the cuckoo and the stork, Maybelline and Jack,
Who race to their pueblos to take the oath:
What comes blessed in the sight
of all creatures yet alive?

Who knows but then the words come out,
bitter and clean, made so clean
it makes the water see

It is crowded beneath a bear whose tail is cedar
and the bones are subway tubes,
a wilderness you pierce by the nose.
It opens its mouth to beg like a crow,
Its waves of deep hair undersides
lie down upon this well-worn row of shields.

Old roads, cold air, campground,
pine, cottonwoods, bear.

Troubled blindness in the midst departs
When Flash wakes up more shock then felt
and massive light wakes up the north.

Rowboats filled with penny carts
push the lunar mount,
All the choices made and not
lead up to set your sail,
row forth, row out this head bound light
your genome on the heel.

You thought it was the head but it's the heel
where HornsHom Runesprag feels real good
The agony waking up,
the sword come into hand
between a highway and the door,
but words are not enough.

I haven’t felt this good for years the ages say.

It’s great to outlive privileged youth
who died burning in ha earetz
Sauvageaugloia griffithsiana(
Gr. If the struggle has succeeded.
To bring back the lost
Grill in the algae base
the Pycological Luminalty state).

hashaymolim hashamalym,
To presume maturity and the care to guard
The life repeated of many days
beside the river, but there it is Suspicious.

Never stable, realized at end,
irrelevant bios to the work
compel waking from sleep, descend
from a huge cyclone cloud above
and down to connect the funnel to the ground
from the moment awareness detaches slowly
descending to preserve this note.

Up periscope beside dirt patchers
Rising to the heights of an eye,
the cut mind-axe falls,
Fires to rescue when the cell phones fail.
Noses white as snow come down to get
by homeland in a boat found in the shoe.

It's about escaping and arriving at any rate
different from where we fled.
A state exchanged with another for controls,
Is a salvation of bare market shelves.
Freedom comes to someone else.

Jars of pickles explode.
as one kernel goes off
in the war to end them all
That brought the man Elijah back,
A ring of fire fantasies, history, dreams,
boxcars and underground cities
spun by viscose Mirrors in bars
where these little canisters of dried couplets
share doilies on the surfaces
like water rings' tarnish the inn keep wipes clean.

Symbolic journeys pass, but it's not shock we know,
o call it shock to one who lies in a clearing to resolve
Invisibility’s many miles, negotiable if known,
the empty unknown futures before
Touched or felt with heels of light
to enter a Garden of Delight
Immortality made without words
Faces, places, clothes and seas
beyond any manner of likeness.

To know the world and forget ourselves,
give it away for love of the world thrown back,
A man returning after years of absence
would know his place by the door,
and it wouldn't matter where he had been before.

The journey back along the tracks
was filled with wrecks of giant cubes
of steel cast down that made an updraft
of Flames from farms below.

Towns fight fire with rakes and mats
One guy made a river, but couldn’t make it wet.
Unregulated space the old world round,
Fascinated ideas start with one intent
then work out planes and forms.

Tracks rise up the valley flat
with flares and torpedoes burn the ducks
in their coal-neuks in one contrasted mood.

Among the trout of Fairy Town, miners, Slovak, Poles
of Anthracite do not repent bituminous craving
drop by drop sulphur burning aureate rocks
with silver and gold eidolon down
the Ghost Highway of UPS
where Brupper warned the sheep
in falls from a hundred feet.

Fine drinking and stores of iron, ripeness all.
Bright star changed a mind,
Naked Drivers push, positions jock,
Fallen figs are stowed by mouse
Before the thing takes off.

Elbow coverts, fast moved lips,
sublime culverts recite Snow in a brow,
Snow flaking transepts touch the hand
and thread the eye that bounds bridges
and valleys of disguise.

White balconies congregate above the nose,
and below, mouths of moonlit bushels
shake down pears, so scrap the lines,
that boy could be a memorist small
who put back up lights on a culm pile.
Slag artists west, open soot explored
with a mask to call the worlds the big oOOO
OOOooo that clothe you body and soul.

The point of dress up for the saints
who gallop by untouched,
who meet like calves released from a stall,
that trample tales told in the assault
of age made claims, told the return.
Brass heart was frank. Water was unchained
Birds flew to their kennels. Air buried in ear.

All they had to do was accept
The offer of a body forever.
who told their sons who had been born
Travel arrangements had been made.
Ziccoty, diccoty, one cast beyond
The cat's in a flurry, Elijah’s to come,
Take the todoelem! spatula and all
take it by force, forever live.

Take it by force, forever live.

AE Reiff has published The JFK Order and A Translation of the New Philadelphia (Grand Canal Flyway, 2023), Memoir of Angels and A Bloody Theory of Divine Light (Newfoundland Books, 2022).

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