Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Three Poems by Gabriella Picerno


I would like to cradle you
with all the slowest whispers
of my voice,
letting in
my impalpable breath
between your hands
and then reaching you
Wrapping you around my arms
in a cloak of skin
which holds the warmth of my kisses,
of encounters in the dim light.
Lighting up appetizing caresses
in your eyes
and in your lips drawing the borders
I would sing,
in your hair,
a lullaby
which gently touches your face
with sweet symphonies in syllables.
To contemplate your relaxed face
as you fall asleep
with dreams that have my features
and the scent of my hair.


Your lips are looking for mine
like the sea brushing the cliffs.
An intimate light touch
surprises me
a jolt of love shakes me
I stand up like a hat in the wind.
My eyes plunged in the horizon of light
of your pupils
make me reach the edge of life.
In the quiet moment,
borders get lost
vanishing like butterflies inbetween sky and sea.
Everything is us.
Whispering lips,
strong pulses
overcome every frontier,
they tie us like ropes
the strong warmth cradles us arm in arm
lip in lip.
Looking at each others and smelling only
clean, neat fragrances
that come from far away
beyond every border.


I would like to run by your side
with fingers strong at the detachment
and to see you smiling without inhibitions,
Starting to scream
that word that you whispered in your heart
wishing it stayed there
secret, protected,
But now sustained by the wind,
it walks through the world
singing on the trees and flowers,
rolling on the sand
like a sweet smile.
Then to stop,
rejoicing from looking at each other’s
calming down our breaths,
with a tender deep kiss
and there in that abyss
not to know anymore...
not to understand a thing anymore.

Gabriella Picerno is a psychologist, pedagogist, sexology counselor, expert in Child Drawing and Learning Psychology. She is the manager of Educational Study Centre “The Speaking Cricket” in Rufina (Florence). She has been involved for ages in projects of training and workshops in parenthood training, as well as emotions and sexuality.

Her works have been included in numerous poetry anthologies such as: A touch of sky (2018), A touch of sky (2019), Un toque de cielo Ediciones Alborismos (2022), Whispers and tides (2022) GD Edizioni.
Co-director (together with Cristina Desideri) of the Children's Literature Series Il Filo di Arianna for GD Edizioni. Curator of the Literary Awards: La Botteguccia delle Favole and Lo Zaino Raccontastorie.


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