Saturday, 18 May 2024

One Poem by Oliver Baer



The world’s crying again tonight, my child

It saw our holiday on the River of Tears

The sky laid its neck bare

A stiletto sunset sliced its contents

Over julienned clouds

The big black curtain of night

Cut off our light

Diced phonics fell into your ear to reveal

I got knives

We ate our funnel cake

In that carnival hallway

Between the river and the forest

The water pared you away from me

Strips of shawarma floating ever onward

It was a jackknife evening

Options folded in on each other

Medea’s choices locked in line

I walked back to the forest

The wailing trees ate away my grief

Darkness skewered me to the path of the next river

Awash in forgetfulness I greeted my changeling

So, slip into a switchblade sleep, my changeling child

Dream while the world is weeping.

Oliver Baer was the editor for Cthulhu Sex Magazine and Two Backed Books. He mostly writes dark poetry and horror stories with the occasional blog post, review, essay and play. His poetry has appeared in Goodreads Best Poems 2020, The Long-Islander, Hear We Are, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Punk Noir Magazine, Paper Teller Diorama, Horror Between the Sheets, Horror Writers Association Poetry Showcase Vol. II and other publications. His stories have appeared in April Grey’s anthologies as well as Even in the Grave, Trembling With Fear and Soul Scream Antholozine, Vol. I. He has two books out, Letters to the Editor of Cthulhu Sex Magazine and Baer Soul. He was the writer for Deena Warner’s Halloween Card project in 2021. He also has a CD of poetry set to music, Gathering Souls by A Conclave of Baer, which became a show in NYC. He has appeared as an indescribable horror from the depths and his likeness has appeared on tv and film. He can be found in the virtuality on social media: and and much of his work can be found at



  1. David Hutcheson-Tipton22 May 2024 at 18:10

    Delightful poem to journey through. I’m reminded of John Muir saying we ought to saunter through the natural world. I’m going to read this poem at least a couple more times in saunter mode. Thank you!


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