Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Discovery of a Wonderfully Wild new Planet - Short Story by Jim Meirose


Discovery of a Wonderfully Wild new Planet 

Short Story

by Jim Meirose






B’: LISTEN UP; as this may indicate the presence of a stone; something here’s been stretched longer and the wring of it’s wrung out o’ the real c’est leaving what’s left crank so the largest three scientists of them all (names being withheld for their protection from mobs) c’est having tenure in the highest Mathematics laboratory i’ Party! ‘n the highest level university in the world answering to no one and nobody—hiss sew troo—so—trained thirty days and thirty nights of their General-Purpose Very Large Telescope—rigged special for the most efficient timesharing—into the general space of the commotion discovering pretty severe unbalancedetry so they trained their big bruiser slowly to the left—enabling sucessful connection to over one hundred farther out there universitymen—and found there’d been popped so sneaky, very sneaky, by the basis of Mother Nature = you should not be saying I am the cause of this I am no cause of nothing but am a simple victim hey you = a new planet got popped out something what is not important and so so so = do not blame me I = needing to be named thus ‘n so c’est Rstyj they called it = am the cause of nothing at all if you can’t beleive me just call my = and so that’s the this of our special announcement = yikes! = of this new planet which we must all—and that means you too, bananas as you are = no skank! No skank! = packed in great tarantulatanion bunch-grabbes as you may be c’est = no not me no not me its nothing to do with me its her fault his and maybe several or ten mores also = cave in th truth; know of this new planet Rstyj crank younger brother of earth. B’: LISTEN UP; you may now continue the various worldwide mass celebrations which the movement of this new truth ‘round the planet following close a’hind your morning suns! So sprach the three largest scientists c’est having tenure in the highest Mathematics laboratory i’ Party! ‘n the highest level university in the world crank answering to no one and nobody—hiss sew troo—so—after pop-slamming at least thirty quite expensive champagnes, they commanded; as you were crank men. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em!

What a grossly wonderful achievement!









Jim Meirose's short fiction has appeared in leading journals. His novels include "Sunday Dinner with Father Dwyer"(Optional Books), "Understanding Franklin Thompson"(JEF), "Le Overgivers au Club de la Résurrection"(Mannequin Haus), "No and Maybe - Maybe and No"(Pski's Porch), and "Audio Bookies" (LJMcD Communications) coming in 2024. Gen'l info: www.jimmeirose.com @jwmeirose

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