Saturday, 25 February 2023

Three Poems by Mihaela Melnic


A Reason Enough


God took off the mask

revealing the sting of a bee

Perfection is not allowed even in paradise


A reason enough

to give the night all my dreams

of wild manes, of the heaths and the cliffs


For some time

I’ll trap rats with cheese wheels

in cellars where horror stories are written


but first, let me seize bullets in flight through

the screen, and break all the arrows

flung in the blood of naifs


If Time Is Ours


If Time is ours

ours are the pleasures

ours are the struggles

ours are the heartbeats

for us, from the others


Ours are the glances

those glances we capture

in the eye’s golden flecks

in the grains of sand

of us, human hourglasses


In electric nights

let us not pine away

before the liquid crystals

beneath the moon in fever

that knows all our secrets


If Time is ours

then let us release the stars

from our grasp

and take instead

the bull by its horns

or the reins in hand

and a deep breath let’s take!




There are stories about people dancing

and crying in the street,

stories about bread bought with cash and fists,

stories about entirety

and about things that are split,

stories of crimson rivers staining everything.

It's all history and must not be forgotten.

Mihaela Melnic is the author of the bilingual poetry collection Change of Seasons, 2018, and co-author of the poetry and short fiction book Evermore, 2021, 17Numa Press.

She lives and writes in Rome, Italy. Her work was published in various literary venues both online and in print.

Links to her publications can also be found at her website:

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