Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Four Poems by Ursula O'Reilly




Walking in enchanted woods, I witnessed a peculiar scene. A radiant figure seated underneath a willow tree. Upon a glittering crystal throne, on her head a glowing crown. Iridescent robes. sapphire eyes. I recognised the Faery Queen. All around the throne, a multitude of faeries, pixies, elves. I stood captivated, filled with fear and growing awe; recalling tales of wicked Fae, stories told to scare a child. Warnings resounded in my mind. ‘Do not disturb the faery kin’. I faltered, briefly turned away. I looked again; The Folk had gone. In a flash of light, they slipped away. All my life I would recall the scene that I encountered there. Queen of the faeries and her court, assembled on a summer day.


Phantoms wait at the gate.

Wait for instruction to enter.

Into the garden, into the house,

Into the grand dining hall.

Long to assemble there.

Eat food from silver platters.

See wine goblets overflow.

But they do not belong.


Phantoms knock on the door.

Wait for permission to enter.

Recall magnificent times,

They were welcome visitors.

Long to assemble once more,

Clothed in opulent finery.

Hear the laughter of friends.

But they do not belong.



One day while I rambled

In darkening woods,

I spied a creature standing

Beside a gabbling brook.


Shaded by a leaning oak,

I paused and looked again.

Observing me from shadows,

A diminutive goblin.


Goblin, perhaps a gnome,

Not observed before.

Standing with a smirk upon

A round impudent face.


Bald head, bulbous nose.

Darkly piercing eyes.

Suit of green, sturdy little

Boots upon his feet.


He boldly waved, and I

Shook my head in awe.

When I glanced again,

The rascal imp had gone.



Witness the Faery Queen

Upon a gleaming throne.

Beneath the willow tree.

Her iridescent robes

Of scarlet, blue and gold.

Faery court assembled,

Impish faces raised

In ethereal song.


Birds perched in trees,

Still hushed observers.

Wild creatures paused,

Motionless sculptures.

Venture close and see

The mortal world halted.

To watch the Faery Court

Salute the rising sun.

Ursula O’Reilly is a writer/artist living in County Cavan, Ireland. She is the author of numerous poems and short stories. Her tales are drawn from life experiences, fairy stories and mythology, and people/events, real or imagined.

Ursula’s work has appeared online and in various literary magazines including: ‘Dawntreader Magazine’, ‘WayWords’, ‘Vita Brevis Press’, ‘The Literary Yard’, ‘Poetry Plus magazine’, ‘Woman’s Way magazine’, ‘Young Ravens Literary Review’, ‘Otherwise Engaged Literary and Arts Journal’, ‘Personal Bests Journal’, ‘The Green Shoe Sanctuary’ and by ‘Southern Arizona Press’.

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