Tuesday, 28 February 2023

One Poem by Julie Ann Thomason


Golden Manifestation


Seed pods cosseted by a collar of canary ribbon,

Their own Buddhist prayer flags fluttering.

Turning to face the golden compass,

capturing then transmitting

the energy like your colour cousins,

Daffodils, buttercups, primrose and dandelions.

Emitting a surge of sensations

Bright, brilliant, happy, cheery.


Bees and butterflies dotting

Dancing on lemon petal carpet,

Symbols of transformation,

nectar converted to honey,

held in gilded combs,

Butterflies free to fly

After bug to cocoon to

Finally manifesting wings.


Vitality, vivacity, liveliness

captured in crystal Citrine,

chicks, and ducklings

Pineapple, mango, and corn.

Comforting, caressing, energising.

Protective gossamer mantle.

The solar plexus Chakra

Lifting body, mind and soul

To the creative power of

The divine universe.



Manifestación Dorada


Vainas de semillas mimadas por un collar de cinta canaria,

Sus propias banderas de oración budista ondean.

Volviéndose hacia la brújula dorada,

capturando y luego transmitiendo

la energía como tus primos de color,

Narcisos, ranúnculos, prímulas y dientes de león.

Emitiendo una oleada de sensaciones.

Brillante, luciente,, feliz alegre


Abejas y mariposas salpicando

Bailando sobre una alfombra de pétalos de limón,

Símbolos de transformación,

néctar convertido en miel,

sostenida en peines dorados,

Mariposas libres para volar

Después de bicho a capullo a

finalmente, el manifestar de las alas.


Vitalidad, vivacidad, vigor

capturado en cristal citrino,

pollitos y patitos

Piña, mango y maíz.

Reconfortante, acariciante, energizante.

Manto protector de gasa.

El chacra del plexo solar

Levantamiento de cuerpo, mente y alma

Al poder creativo del universo divino.

Julie Ann Thomason - Has been composing poetry for over 30 years. Her poems normally begin with a phrase or sentence in her head that she likes the feel of.  She explores feelings, reactions to people, places, things, and events.

She studied English Lit at university and taught EFL in Spain. Initially for a nine-months, she fell in love with the country, living there for twenty-three years.  Fluent in Spanish, she composes in and translates into both languages. Translating began by giving Spanish friends, the opportunity to read her work.  It proved to be fascinating and instructive; she saw new meanings, better words, nudged nuances, through the prism of a different language.  

She became heavily involved with Primary English as a foreign language, which lead to her first publications textbooks in primary EFL

Julie Ann performs poetry at spoken word events. If a piece of work is well received, she posts it on her blog.  During lockdown she worked on her writing and had her first poems published in 2020.   In 2022 she published her first poetry collection “The Possibility of Pebbles” poems inspired by the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

Julie Ann was Scottish chair for WGGB 2010 – 2016.


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