Monday 18 April 2022

Two Poems by Yuu Ikeda


Because of Spring


Impatience is burning

in the bottom of my resignation.

The closer spring comes,

the more intense impatience becomes.

Scorching screams of impatience

are resounding

in the bottom of my resignation.

These thorns pierce me,

cut me up,

and burn me away.

My energy becomes ashes,

then, again,

impatience begins to dominate me.





Craving for running

makes me blind

and withers my reason.

Serenity vanishes,

desire hovers,

and a road to run collapses.

My feet are moving,

but I don't feel that I'm running.

Craving for running

like blaze of a demon

makes me blind

and plants more fire of craving

in me.

Yuu Ikeda is a Japan based poet. She loves writing, reading mystery novels, and drinking sugary coffee. She writes poetry on her website.

Her published poems are “On the Bed” in Nymphs, “Love? or Death?” in Sad Girl Review,

“Poetry Drops Like Raindrops Do” in JMWW and more.

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