Friday, 15 April 2022

One Poem by Victor Kennedy


Spring ‘22


Two years of curfew

Crackdowns on criminals without masks

Who drove too far

Or dared go for a walk after dark


Russian tanks roll into Ukraine

And the plague is suddenly over

The news cycles on

And the PM flies to Kyiv

For a photo opportunity

Stringent Health Measures forgotten


I’m glad I got a photo of the daffodils

Before Timi brought Luna to play with Hamish

And the two of them mowed down

Everything in the garden


But they were only flowers

They’ll grow again next year

And it’s good to see somebody

Having fun


Sometimes I wish I was a dog

Until I remember

How cruel

People are

Victor Kennedy teaches English and American literature at the University of Maribor, Slovenia. He is the author of several books and articles on songs and song lyrics, including Strange Brew, and editor of collections including Words and Music, and Symphony and Song. His poems have been published in Trouvaille and Crumbs. He is the guitarist for the surf band Strici iz ozadja and bassist for the rock band Invite (songs available on Youtube).

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