awash with tumbling
blades of amber,
dazzle over glass,
sweet scent of you so close,
inhale fresh rain and living breath,
rapid voices,
beating heart of night.
The music’s loud, not loud enough,
a drown of sound to quell my doubts,
stomp of feet,
arms twist and turn
then reaching high,
the climax vivid painted stars,
I cannot catch my breath.
You kiss, kiss, kiss-consume me,
reach in to occupy the very bones
of me. The music’s loud,
not loud enough,
press of flesh and
eager tongues,
blades of light
and swirling rain,
I pray this never ends.
Cityside, we come to dawn,
to dashing down,
vampiric haste,
away, away,
we must away
before the world awakes.
In light,
the truth revealed too soon,
a broken heel,
a smothered curse,
foul scent of you,
I taste your breath.
It’s here we say goodbye, my dear,
it’s here we say goodbye.
Live This Day In Quiet Ways
Rise early to the day,
deprive it of its misery
and trick it into joy.
Do not hurry,
what awaits you will wait for you;
this is its job.
Go to the mirror and say these words:
“Wow is me!”
Breathe and breathe again
for breath is life and it will be a
sad day when you can’t draw one.
Stand in one place and
consider death
sense its stillness and
its singular devotion
then live this day in quiet ways
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