Monday, 3 March 2025

Two Poems by Hilary Canto


Snowy Owl


Bright yellow eyes 

pierce my soul 

Her otherworld message 

cuts time and space 

Tears roll down 

she hears my heart 

Without a sound 

completely still 

Snow white feathers 

delicate beauty 

Locked in awe 

eye to eye 

We remember  

our interconnectedness 

Wisdom transferred 

in a heartbeat.



Snow King


Magnificent in his Arctic Kingdom 

King of the ice 

Brave, strong 

Mighty, playful 

Hunter, killer 

Father, protector 

Gatekeeper to other worlds 

Misunderstood in the human domain 

Now he fights like never before 

Ice and snow melt at his door 

Thick white coat  

Iconic predator 

Proud, aloof, intelligent  

Danger looms 

No habitat, no food 

No future for his children 

Snow King Knows he’s part of the whole 

Will humans wake up to his call?

Hilary Canto - Inner rays of light shone through living in the Shire, magical Greece, and enchanted Highlands of Scotland as I journeyed with prose in a varied career including music, sound healing, and the creative industry. Fulfilling a personal dream to write and record an album of healing songs, I now express through poetry and articles to lift the reader and listener of my words between earthly realms and mysteries of the universe! Global Love Day Directors Poetry Award 2023/ 2017; two articles published in Insight journal of The World Congress of Faiths 2019/2020; articles for the M.E. Association magazine M.E Essentials 2021- 2024; poetry published on Poetry for Mental Health’s website 2024 plus regular column and occasional article in the monthly e zine; Lothlorien Poetry Journal inspiring new prose in 2024! 


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