Saturday, 6 November 2021

Two Poems by Lathalia Song

A Song of the Deep Earth and Water

(Inspired by the Volsungs or Elda Edda by JRR Tolkien)


Ancient silence brooding gold

veins of silver dreaming

onyx and agate, dark dooming

diamonds glittering teeth

claws of metal, precious colours

erupt awakening hearts human

dancing in firelight whirling

settling forever a poisonous glow


Under earth the darkness sits

wooing and wailing cowardly fears

deafening ears that once heard 

dimming eyes that lit another’s heart

warm caress can wait

murmurs and heartsong will reawaken

always waiting…till conquering

this hoard taken


only then laughter and dancing

oh, when whispers and turning toward

hearts desires waiting

till glitter and glamoured all is done

deep gashes and wounds bleeding

fumes, intense essences

once dilute with crumbs of earth

now naked to the sun


seasons passed, ancient became

the trees and ferns that drank

those poisons long ago released

one great giant tree towered above

a wooden hall of royal blood

courageous ruthless bent on gold

deaf and dumb to whispers of fate 

a great sorrow one day to sing


pages written pieces missing

like thunder declares

this same song two millennia on

the same colours show through 

earth where shadows sit

groaning grief’s terrifying repeat

a whispered doom, so quiet sits

puts off, turns away, from living touch



Lover 1: Your murmuring chilled, eyes avoided

sailing on an ocean past each other

yet within reach while

inner whispers turn hearts to glitter


Lover 2:…can wait…a little longer

confusion creeps, doom repeats 

betrayed, broken, alone


Lover 1:…now arms full of treasures, alone too.



children, cousin, friend grown old

some gone in the sunset

no eyes left waiting to admire

no ears to hear of battles fought

the strength and work collecting

a dragons hoard

empty halls, cold windows

howling wind barely caresses now


again in ageless dreaming

broken treasure clad hero

wanders uncomprehending

time passing, grey hair growing

this time hearing ocean waves singing

sirens beckoning, sleepy end wrapped in the deep

the waves crashing deadly

another end…

…ancient sadness echoing



A Song of the Light

(The kind do not have histories written of them)


A swallow hops and scavenges

flutters higher to hand, still

friend given crumbs

gentle sweet scent of jessamine

hands that held and grew 

no blood or waiting caused…

it’s a fleeting dream…an unwritten singing

quiet lives of the beloved.

Lathalia Song is currently an artist, teacher, writer and advocate. She screen prints ink designs, small watercolours, and poetry for healing and meaning. Finding freedom in the way nature makes her illustrations. Twitter: Hope Song@flywaterleaf Instagram: lathaliahopesong. Currently editor for Authors Australis Previously an editor, designer and copywriter for various design agencies. Sharing the joy of creativity each year at

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