Sunday, 23 February 2025

One Poem - Choreography in Blank Verses by Carla Maria Kovšca alias White Feather



Beyond narration


 Choreography in blank verses by Carla Maria Kovšca alias White Feather 


 To Seven Souls -Dance Creative class- Milan 2015-2018 


“Then westward ho!” 

 (W. Shakespeare. /Twelfth night, act III, sc. 1 Viola) 



Martha the heroine in Salix Pendula tale 

Eva El the warrior Girl  

Felisia the Dandelion flower Puff 

Elisa Moor White Panther 

Silvia Vert Cosmic dancing Filly 

Sara Bell Nairomi Astrea messenger 



Martha is the heroine of ancient Salix Pendula Tale. 

Her womb was full of motherly wishes. 

Now, let any tensions, dear friend, sleep and wear a new dress; 

you’ll find it on the border of the forest, 

then dance life with strong energy without passions. 

Stretch your body so that earth and sky join together 

and keep a smiling face, breathe deeply pure free air. 


From far Eva El arrives, the mysterious warrior Girl. 

Her eyes are full of grief, they ask compassion and love. 

Now, undress your heavy armature at the foot of peace’s hills! 

New life is waiting for you. 

The junctures of your armature are flinging: let them fall on the ground! 

Maybe, you haven’t yet felt the myriads of flowers that are hidden in you? 

Look! A lot of purple roses are sparkling copiously around your waist. 

Now they are covering the grass and the field is pregnant of life. 

Now you may see a flower waterfall sprout out your breast,  

there are flowers coloured tenderly, they are springing around you. 

Be merry in your soul! 


From soft clouds descends Felisia, she is driving the magic chariot 

of the Milky Way Queen, her mother. 

She is wearing a light golden tunica,  

her feet have the governance of the Charioteer, 

while her body is twisting graciously around the glade towards the southern horizon, 

she rides and speaks with clear voice: 

“Soon! We are going to liberate the Earth by the dark mantle” 


Suddenly the Felisia’s words are realized! 

White Panther super power appears in resounding bellow, 

surrounded by a multitude of winged mammals  

that arrive from the four winds. 


Black, white and red Arabic horses from the East. 

Lions, zebras and antelopes from the South 

pumas, bulls, dingoes and lynches from West. 

White tigers, wolves and bears from the North 

myriads of birds from everywhere take part in this miracle. 


They fly in shades ranks, 

in rambling beating dance, creating vertical vaulting shapes. 


Now a lot of flying beings, some of which had lived hidden, 

in secret places till this moment, arrive from cardinal points! 


White, red and black eagles from North, 

Finches, robins and skylarks with sparrows and swallows 

are dancing, with gentle movements, with herons and flamingos 

from East and South. 


The white panther composes crossed ranks, 

With gulls, albatross and howls from North- West. 

Some banks between earth and sky, like round tables swinging, 

are formed by male blue peacocks and female white peacocks, 

They whistle their arising from the ground, 

calling Vedic milky cows of Astrea’s kingdom. 


While we are looking to this vision, 

a merry transformation is going on! 

Look! Bliss girls! A magic scenery appears at our eyes! 

Martha is becoming a splendid humming bird, 

Eva, now, is a tender white koala,  

hung at the sparkling mantle of white panther Elisa! 

Elisa’s eyes full of joy, are searching to help 

Felisia’s evolution, she is transforming into light dandelion bud. 



The blue sky forms a waving stage, 

where one Centaurus female dancer is transforming her double body 

into a new living being! 

She is riding like a filly, through fantastic jewels, 

cascading from a virgin waterfall. 

The lower part of her horse body dances with her upper part, 

tracing a vertical line that reveals the opposite sides, right and left, 

in twisting movement. 


Now her eyes can see everything that surrounds her; 

her lips are suspended in singing tender kisses. 

She can run into the path that has been opened in front of her. 

She inhales copiously opening her nostrils, 

while breast and legs compose a rhythmic elegant dance.  


Behind the movements of her flanks, it is possible to recognize  

Silvia Vert’s shape, floating and jumping, 

opening the stage to another young woman that is wearing ritual clothes. 


Nairomi is her name, she knows the ancient “nine days songs”, 

the Navaho ritual that heals and rebirth from strong illnesses. 

She is running and cries: “Astrea is returning from her celestial home! 

Soon, soon! Prepare the ground with flowers and “ears of corn”. 

When she arrives, her presence has to be secret! 

We shall be her maids and messengers!”

Carla Maria Kovšca wrote Beyond narration, previously titled: Towards a new mythology, at the beginning of 2017 as a choreography for dancing. She was involved in “Creative Dance Fux” with six women; their name as group class was “Seven Souls”. Often, they reflected about future perspective and in those conversations arose the idea of a transformation that might awake in their bodies & souls through dancing.

Anyway, only in recent time Carla Maria received the input to publish her writing in Lothlorien Poetry Journal as a theatrical play acting by dance. She read “Black Elk Speaks” by John G. Neihardt during the last Spring. She found with surprise some connections between her imaginary vision and the “great vision” happened to Black Elk when he was 9 years old.

So, she transformed herself as White Feather and the first choreography in a short theatrical play. The characters are the Seven Souls that are waiting for the return on earth of Astrea, the divine symbol of forgiveness and justice. The dance is acting to realize a metamorphosis to connect divine human and cosmos after a long time of hard conflicts and wars towards a new life.

Black Elk speaks. White Feather writes.

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One Poem - Choreography in Blank Verses by Carla Maria Kovšca alias White Feather

    Beyond narration     C horeography in blank verses by Carla Maria Kovšca alias White Feather      To Seven Souls -Dance Creative class-...