Monday, 3 February 2025

One Poem by Debbie Tunstall


What I tell myself-part 2

No one knows of the lion that sleeps within me.
No one knows my heart is roaring with sound,
I carry the secret through the night. 
No one knows the lullabies I sing.
But I do. I do, 

I will rise today and shout my name. 
I will walk today with strides of pride.
I must recite until I believe,
awakened Lion please
never sleep, sleep, sleep.


Debbie Tunstall
is a writer from Merseyside, United Kingdom. She has recently discovered writing and has finally found her sense of balance in life. She is featured in the anthology ' Fireflies ' and recently in the ' Hope' anthology. Her hobbies include, reading and writing, inspiring others and a general interest in bettering others and her own mental health. She enjoys writing about moments that are uplifting even if they're unseen in the present, finally being able to see glimpses of photosynthesis beneath the dullness of life.

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