Sunday, 9 June 2024

Three Poems by Lorraine Caputo




Late at night

I opened the back door

to a world where time exists not,

the dark of a cloudless sky.


I heard the sound of rain falling,

pulled my sweater over my head,

and walked slowly out,

the sharp nutshells and rough

stones beneath my feet.

I walked beyond the trees,

feeling for the rain –


No moisture, no drops …

just the sound of the wind

through yellowed treetops,

the sound of leaves

falling …





A sudden evening rain

     falls upon the blacktop

          then moves on

              the wind


I sit in its midst

     feeling the sky

                   I do not know

                        what I am supposed to do

                        in this Life

                   I tell Grandmother Moon


So, I wait

          & wait

     for an answer to come

          on the wings of

              nighthawks ….


Within the silence

     the cry of a nighthawk

          cuts clear

              down the duskening alleys

                   & fades away ….





I drift lightly

     on the stream of rain

          cascading upon       &

              flowing down

                   the roof


I drift lightly

     listening to the thunder

          exploding       &

              quaking across

                   this starless night


I drift lightly

     watching bolts

          pulsing       &


                   the thick sky


I drift lightly

     on the edge of

          worlds       walking

     on a rocky shore

          with Spirit friends


& in the lightly

     washing sea

          we gather rock-

              coloured lobsters

One so large       a grandfather

     to feed us all 




Lorraine Caputo - Wandering troubadour Lorraine Caputo is a documentary poet, translator and travel writer. Her works appear in over 400 journals on six continents; and 23 collections – including In the Jaguar Valley (dancing girl press, 2023) and Caribbean Interludes (Origami Poems Project, 2022). She also pens travel narratives, articles and guidebooks. Her writing has been honoured by the Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2011), and nominated for the Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. Caputo has done literary readings from Alaska to the Patagonia. She journeys through Latin America with her faithful knapsack Rocinante, listening to the voices of the pueblos and Earth. 

Follow her adventures at and


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