Monday, 27 November 2023

Eight Haiku Poems by Samo Kreutz




late morning frost

she fixes her baby's




snow smell ...

his first visit to mum

in a nursing home



new shoes

on lacquered toecap

the old moon




crystals in her hand –

first snowflakes



winter half-light

the time we play




friendly dog

all that playfulness

at the cemetery gates




in every petal rests

different tale



Christmas Eve ...

talking to the stars

an orphan



Samo Kreutz lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Besides poetry (which he has been writing since he was eight years old), he writes novels, short stories and haiku. He is the author of ten books in Slovene (four of them are poetry collections) and four in English (they are haiku books, the last two are titled No Bigger Than a Crumb and Forgotten for a Moment, all published by from India and are available at His recent work has appeared on international websites (and journals), such as Ariel Chart: International Literary Journal, Better than Starbucks: Poetry and Fiction Journal, Green Ink Poetry, Ink Sweat & Tears: The poetry and prose webzine, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Seashores: Haiku Journal, Stardust Haiku Online Journal, The Bamboo Hut, The Heron's Nest and others.


  1. Love: new shoes / on lacquered toecap / the old moon

  2. Excellent haiku Samo. Congratulations.


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