Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Three Poems by Mary Bone


Spa Day


The shower felt invigorating.

Tiny droplets of moisture bounced

from the sides of the shower stall

onto my face.

My cells felt nourished,

renewed and alive.

It was time to start my day.



The Harvest


In the orchard,

Bees buzzed from sweetness

to sweetness.

Hands reached up to gather the fruit,

being careful of the stingers.

The canning jars were ready to be filled

with nectar and preserved for daily meals.



Tiny Pincers


Tiny pincers

from crabs

on the beach-

reach up and maneuver

their way around.

Precision clinging

In many directions.

Kings of all they surveyed.

Mary Bone has been writing poetry since childhood. Some of her poems have recently been published at Lothlorian Poetry Journal, Active Muse Journal, Literary Yard, Spillwords, The Ink Pantry, Topical Poetry and other places.

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