Monday, 13 November 2023

Four Poems by Snigdha Agrawal



be that woman
   proud to be one
      able to make a dent
         in a man's world
           second to none
              no need to pussyfoot
                 around; just coz.
                   told otherwise

be that woman
   holding your own
      at the workplace
         and at home
            pick yourself up
               if you stumble and fall
                coz. you are empowered
                  to withstand it all

be that woman
   unafraid of critiques
     do what you love
        love what you do
          ignoring diktats laid down
            breaking glass ceilings
               shattering myths of being
                 inferior of the species


Micro poems

Minds unknown

padlocked home
thin film of dust
settled on door
key missing
kept under

flower pot
treasures inside
like dinkum writers
who act likewise
blocking intruders
into their minds

Great Expectations

in the autumn of life
keep rummaging
through the drawers
of my mind
full of expectations
to find at least
one folder
with pixels

to cut off

winter's drabness

Rewinding times

You see the empty nest
how very shortsighted
for you don't see
her empty breast
that held them in sickness
and in times of happiness
rejoiced in their every success
encouraged when they failed
they've left
built their nests
hers is like an empty shell
rewinding to
sweet memories held

just one, maybe two, or three
spoonful of sugar...
can it alter the taste?
of the bitterness
in the smoothie
run on high-speed
to camouflage
feelings deep set?
once mixed
it's nearly impossible
to separate

Snigdha Agrawal (nee Banerjee), has an MBA in Marketing and Corporate work experience of over two decades. She enjoys writing all genres of poetry, prose, and short stories.  Educated in Loreto Institutions (run by the Irish Nuns), and brought up in a cosmopolitan environment, she has learned the best of the East and West. She is a published author of four books, the latest titled TRAIL MIX, is a book of short stories for all mindsets, and is available on Amazon. in

A septuagenarian still on the learning path next to writing is her passion for travel. She pens down her travel experiences in her WordPress blog randomramblings52. 



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