Friday, 23 July 2021

4 Poems by Geoffrey Prince + 5 Poems by Chae Paterson




If I could paint a peacock

lift a lyrebird’s chant aloft,

chime the moment with a tick-tock

touch your smile with sentence soft,



or rather, strike the mind’s eye

with a powerfully fashioned phrase,

giving meaning sure and certain

to the lines I calmly raise,


strike a rhythm, bet, primeval

that would steal your heart away,

lure a logic lithe and lethal

in the rational light of day,


sing surreally, serendipitously,

forge neologism, tense,

put pay to all hypocrisy

at ignorance’s expense,


capture fairies, cage a demon

smell the instinct of the herds:

there remains the deep enigma ‑

these are nothing more than words...

The Burning-Off of Marlboro Country


There is an orange heart

in the ti-trees tonight,

smouldering, smarting-sweet

and sickly.


Young trees suffered, mostly.

The ancient, gnarled giants

shrugged of the flames,

as they had always done.


The seasonal ritual

licks along the fence lines

and joins our incendiarist

neighbour’s conflagration.


Tonight my father looks

towards the black and smoking

paddocks with an eerie

fire in his eyes.


I handle my chores distractedly

and eventually frame a question

long on my mind:

Can I help?


My father’s stare does not waver

from the flames. He murmurs

To me in the fiery sunset

Your time will come...


After the Ballet


After the ballet

our steps become

osmotically refined

our toes

do the talking

we are drawn

into repartee

of another age.


Across the harbour

ferries lump into the quay

along the shores

years of work


into single tourists

pacing the beat.


Above the sails

a sunset happens

in such array

as to hush our chatter

we turn to the skies

with eyes dancing

into starlight.



I lived my life in innocence

Till, tempted by despair,

I gave my voice to angels

And minions of the air.


I cannot say I suffered

A loss of faculty fair,

Until I searched for you within

And found not hide nor hair.


Upon a good day though

I sense you somewhere there,

And the daemon within me stirs

In its primordial lair.


The cycle must be complete—

This only truth I bear …

I gave my voice to angels

And minions of the air.

Geoffrey Prince

Born at Kempsey in 1952, Geoff is a survivor of mental illness. He has been an active advocate on behalf of fellow sufferers, and has taught creative writing to these and more mainstream students. His poetry collections, Cartoons of Quietness, Anthems of Artspace, The Glass Asylum, and Asides in the Seeking of Sanity have been published by Papyrus Publishing. He
 recently moved with his wife Chae to Venus Bay, Victoria, in Bunurong/Kurnai Country with two dogs and a swag of poems.


They embrace the salt sting, short shifts between lift and landing

on wormed, gnarled pier posts, silk softened bridges

to perch on a moments’ sanctuary

so natural for gulls, osprey, evens out the sea eagle's landed dominion

scrag-winged handles washing themselves in the depths

then peg their oiled pin feathers put out to dry …perfect pearl divers  


air bubbles cling and rise towards a blissful sun bake

all birds have full bulging bellies after the catch in the swell

sea fisher birds must hunch, digest fishbone, magically becoming one

with seafaring wood floor boarded struts, webbed feet adapt on the spot


feathered adaptations!


sun-soaked dialling calls wind song

kindred circle walking past; and sit watchful …in another place


feeling privileged to be taken back, yes …feeling blessed

to witness a flown circumference 


many days of treading ti-treed local beach

very much owned and loved

on my rounded turn, even a top notched pelican joins in…

all are penned and poised to fly

pelicans’ bills sway, posing on surface patched, sand-grit canvas

a vision of father fishing … he too is a pelican



“Put in words what you can’t say”


soul verse

clamouring through aloneness

wing a godlike will

in birds’ solo cries


or: an aphonic scry

a stellar cross

of all these things


decry earthly tongues

similar to a shiny new penny

written in the aura

sung in starlight symphonies


what can’t be said

remains in an unbidden howling

…windswept whistleblowing haunts

and sighs

Riverland Pelican Country

The River Murray Mildura


After a day’s commute

driving from an urban fishbowl

market placed, all-consuming and user-pay

a sigh …left behind, settles

sightseeing at an open spate of river 

our road travelled, taught bodies rest

…a pelican serenely props

on deep water platforms

emptiness drifts, feathered tensions lurk

an aiming spear-like beak remains perched

a vital catch in a bird's eyed

point of view

Strike! prey, simply plucked

in a water avian’ everyday


cradled and rocked against landing current rifts

Nature's kaleidoscope is a given


…below an early evening sky

magnanimous backdrops focused on, ever-changing

photo framed: hues of pink slides

slip into silhouette, merge with sparkles of light

bounce, reflect on and in the water

as darkness falls all lenses …collapse


mysterious dark creatures’ surface in the fall

sky and starlight mirror mingles a single splashed flip-flop sound

then fish full shadows tempt and stretch in adjusting light

living senses meld, for just short interludes

time pauses, as vigilant ghosting seem cast adrift

the pelican is all

The Middens…A Portal to a Past

Breeding Ground Sanctuary – (A few years walking the Swan Bay National Park

A hermit life at the time where I had become isolated and cut off from visitors for

weeks or months at a time. These wild beaches became my trusted companion.

One heatwave and record temperatures this Nepean bay overheated)


Joggers footsteps mark the contemporary

soles imprint washed sands - partition midden bookshelves







              year living skeletons of mounted shell creatures …Kairos time evident in shelled mantels, is an

opportune moment to mentally note my daily walking reveries …not let linear measure speak overhead

…rein in short-lived thought waves


on daily walks:

a bony mineral lineage of solid material, ageless, jammed into particle

sand-grit walls


woven in cosmos-threaded fabric

disappears on timeless tides, only rebuilt in tandem …decanting shifts


great-elder eucalypts, their inner ancient growth rings,

expose mapped eons of carbon rises …weather patterns


no piece of rare furniture, building, woodchip or carved turnstile

holds the now fragmented extra-real …aromatic grandparent tree’s inner rings’ flesh


dear midden book:

thankful for these remnants passed …part oyster shell mantels,

flaunt an abundant supp, touch an archaeologist's dreaming,

or lone heady coastal discovery …holding treasure, not lost but paused

there is an embodying, the cellular grows memory

echoes of children, their kin laughing, lulled to sleep, gaze upwards

blanketed by night starry skies


(big supply meant quite a consequentially cradling Dreaming by Mother’s Country

during bending the elbow passages, on food gathering days)


windblown middens sing of a soul rounds’ presence

befriends a sea wind passing, seashell whispers, whiffs of burning fires

after the catch, companionship replenishes …filling the need for warm fed bellies


imagining; now, all are sheltered after a cold sea swept day

toward the south shore seabirds still fish …break a once mirrored filmy sheen


warm surface water grows teaming guppies …an algae green watery garden …its life

sideways, crabs adjust their day


not many ventured these living salt lakes, only by lone fisherman

leaving a spasmodic trail of beer cans, faded packets and tattered cellophane …those

annoying empty bags of bait, net and butts


two-legged tourism leaves no song in telling of the round rhyme

carefully traced in Fibonacci cycles … ‘jump back’ melodies’ subtle tones,

reassuring sighs return a timeless story …listening to departing truths


nature’s climate change consonance is a tall order, remaining silenced in empty-sheeted

plays, exchanges highly priced, all invested in purist games …competing, insist on

Machiavellian themes or plots


earthly and cosmic forces

                                        the tides

                                        the winds

                                        the sun

                                        the rain, the elements, wholehearted, dealing hands warn of change


beach dwellers recycle their bike tracks:

re-walking the middens sites …physical guidance giving extra knowing in this sea sanctuary


for now, are seen by the settler dismembered record…white and brittle shell-shocked ghosts’

pitch, chorded and howling …whilst dead fish die in brine, in far too hot bays …gasp, quake

on this one morning the north winds swept life away




how often do we happen upon this?


References: to Kairos Time - Greek Mythology

- the personification of opportunity or the right moment

- Classical Greek Art - bald at the back and long at the front.

First Australians’ Dreamtime

Swan Song

At first when a poem is cast 
like a duck paddling upstream            in the fresh open air 

the water is tannin brown 
swilling around           occasional bubbles rise up from a mud and weedy bottom bed

seeking worded clemency       clarity
thoughts like silken threads    often    gather in moonlit tangles

dancing mirrors guide a two-step pen 
relaxes and untangles  a free gait        glides when the inner is a partner

Reason’s sting
approaching Paradise             meant to be lost 
      then found?

Chae Paterson

Born in Melbourne in 1952, Chae, after a difficult childhood, became a mature age student and sole parent in her thirties, achieving a BA Hons. But discontinuing a later MA due to pressure of circumstances. After a short career as a singer and performer, Chae turned to poetry after attending numerous writer’s groups. She recently moved with husband Geoff to Venus Bay, Victoria, in
 Bunurong/Kurnai Country with two dogs and a swag of poems.

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