Tuesday 28 November 2023

One Poem by Sushant Thapa




When the walk of life

Is written on the forehead,

When faith is just a thin tip

Of the burning candle,

That thin tip can lighten

A room full of darkness.

Someone rightly said,

"When you walk, the way appears."

Just like

The way how

The struggling Jokerman

Keeps marbles in his pocket,

The marbles can

Make the Jokerman happy,

It is a playful thing for him

And the spectators;  

They know that the Jokerman

Is their way to

Make the marble-game theirs.

The spectators know their way.

Walk of life

Gives birth to destinations,

And a mere will to have faith

Is seen in cultivation

Of hopeful scenarios.

A solitary smile

Is still beautiful,

Than a bought smile

In a way full of plastic-nature,

If there is any such element.

Sushant Thapa (born on 26th February, 1993) is a Nepalese poet from Biratnagar-13, Nepal who holds a Master’s degree in English literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He has published five books of English poetry namely: The Poetic Burden and Other Poems (Authorspress, New Delhi, 2020), Abstraction and Other Poems (Impspired, UK, 2021), Minutes of Merit (Haoajan, Kolkata, 2021), and Love’s Cradle (World Inkers Printing and Publishing, New York, USA and Senegal, Africa, 2023),Spontaneity: A New Name of Rhyme (Ambar Publication House, New Delhi, 2023).                      

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