Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Yellow Man And His Blue Father - Short Story by Edgar Rider


Yellow Man And His Blue Father

Short Story

by Edgar Rider

At the time my best friend Mike and I were growing weary of working at the hamburger factory.


Mike was a stand up comedian who had a big finisher of calling himself a dyslexic on coke. Instead of inhaling it he would blow it out all over the table. Him and his dad laughed extra hard at this but everyone else mildly chuckled.

We were two disgruntled employees. I stole beer and Mike took plenty of vodka.

We made lots of stupid comedy videos on our day off and used the Public Access Channel every once in awhile.

Soon We were hanging out less and less. He called me one day and asked me to go to the doctor. He said “I need to pick you up and we need to talk.” 


He arrived at my apartment complex. I turned around as I got in his car and was completely in shock discovering he had turned a peculiar shade of yellow.


He told me, “I got a condition called Jaundice dude. It is because of my drinking and my father has been diagnosed with  tuberculosis.”


He said anyone who was in contact had to go get tested for tuberculosis. I wasn’t worried about tuberculosis but was  unsure about the Jaundice situation. Never seen anybody with that condition. After all, I was drinking a lot too. His poison was Vodka and  my poison was Bud Light.

We went to the health clinic. I felt a sharp prick to my finger and that was it.


On the way home, Mike took a sip from his styrofoam cup. I wondered what was in it. He looked down again struggling to put it in the cup holder.


“ Before I drop you back home I gotta make a stop first dude.” We pulled up in front of the main library. It had five floors. We got in the elevator Mike started humming the bad pop song in the elevator which sounded like Macarena.

We ran through the library. Eventually we ended up at a section of books. I became very curious as to what he was searching for.


“Here it is huh huh.” he picked up a book “Gary  Updell huh.” He looked at it more thoroughly. “Wrong one.”


I only had one question for Mike,“Who the hell is Gary Updell?”


“My dad’s favourite author. Author of Warlocks of Oakland and Go Horsey Go.  I promised him I would  get the newest one. Here it is.”  He showed it to me ‘Legend of Pigeon Droppings’.He grabbed the book and chuckled running toward the elevator.


On the drive home, Mike was quiet. Suddenly, he laughed and said. “ That movie you loaned me was pretty sweet. What was it called Basin Hounds.  I liked the ending of. I liked how they used various japanese weaponry on each other. Shurikens, Stilettos and throwing stars so cool.  However, Me and my dad could have done without all the F words..” He paused and reflected for a serious moment. “The only one who got away was Mr. P.”


“Mr. P” I said right back to him and we both laughed.

The next day I went to the clinic. And found out I was fine. No TB.



I didn't see Mike much after that until one day when I walked into the bathroom and he was standing there. He had a knife in his hands and was twirling it around. He laughed and told me his father was dead. He said he looked in his chair and his father wasn't moving. He was still talking to him. He then knew he was dead because he turned a lighter shade of blue. I found it odd that he was chuckling about his father’s death. It seemed like all of us were becoming detached from our surroundings.

“Poke. Poke.” He said illustrating and  finally realizing that his father had passed. He continued laughing which went back and forth between amusing and then became quite disturbing.


Just as I was about to ask a question, he faded into the dark. Never saw him again. Another burger casualty. This experience was like being in an adult messed up cartoon. I imagined the yellow man talking to his blue father who had already passed.


It was one of those seemingly ordinary monotonous events become extraordinary life and death lessons. It occurred to me that it was like being in a True Tall Tale or what you might call a Real Life Fable living in the Charred Fried Works.

Edgar Rider has been published in Scarlet Leaf Review, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Jake the Anti Literary Journal, Criterion International Journal and Thin Slice of Anxiety. He has published three books, Go Bare Maximum, 5990 and Transcending in the Fictional Burrout.

Two Poems by Bob Eager



Compulsion time wasted! -- finger waving gesture while yelling at screen... Homeless person pulling a stroller with no clothes no nothing, Baby carriage even has no baby.. Weird Wrong Way; No initiative for a direction, Counterproductive actions taken.. A Reflex Compulsion.. Way Wrong Weird! 

On the Contrary the correct focus on Weird for a reason! Art and Passion interlinked, 

Weird Way Wrong:) 
Many face the day with Creepy in mind with no direction… Such a shame? Way Weird Wrong? 

Juxtapose that with us who Concentrate on things that matter, No obsession with superficial repetitious all day distraction contemporary for the moment escapist pleasure;
Abstract strange but a purpose on point. 

Or face consequences of.. Coexisting with Wrong Way Weird @

Operation Move Beyond

Beyond Operation Move
Complacent zone,

Put the closure to pasture.

In Between Blurred Lines;
A Cross Country Preview.

Revel in Personal Defeat,
Let it Lie.

Plenty Of Fish(POF);

Collars by others and ourselves.
Borderline Stigma.

Move Beyond Operation
Blue eyes vs. Brown,
Frame to Picture Frame,

Operation Move Beyond

Bob Eager has been published in Tuck Magazine, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Oddball Magazine, Fevers of the Mind, Stray Branch Literary Journal and Indiana Voice Journal. He has written two books Darkside Relapsing and Flipside of the Familiar.

Three Poems by Wayne Russell


The Wanderer


He's a drifter and a loner

not deterred by nature of

materialistic possession

he's a hobo, hopping train

cars at midnight, carry him

where they may, he'll be ok

in the coming of cloud drift

morning, one day he'll know

the stark Arizona Mojave

Desert, the next; the snowy

white sand beaches of The

Gulf of Mexico.

You may see him somewhere

someplace, in a desolate little

town, busking for coins with a

dilapidated acoustic guitar, an

old dog beside him for company,

you may listen to his wailing songs

of hardship and heartache, you

may think: "That he's really quite good

at singing, and that he knows his

way around the fretboard really well."

You may ask yourself: "Where did it

all go so wrong for this poor guy?"

The wanderer, in threadbare clothes

and crooked grin, a man of simplicity

and shabby discontent for this broken

world in which he passes through, until

his journey reaches its terminus.

And it is to the Seasons We Fade

Farwell hair

blown like feathers

in the wind

dandelion fluff

in the breeze

farewell youth

you have forsaken me

taken off like an aged owl

in the stagnant autumn air

lonesome and to die

the fish floundering upon the

riverbanks poisoned by

the incoming cadence of death

the flesh wilts as does the flower

and the leaves dying upon the


beg and thus gasp for their

time in the sun and then circled

and clasp by the icy hand of silence

farewell flesh

unto their multitudes

cast out the ash and scatter now

in the fickle breeze

"It is I" she said brought forth to

claim thee

"It is I that has come to rescue you

from this upheaved and splinted night"




The pendulum swings

to and from, hypnotic

in a sense

the droning of time

going forth into that

passing of languid

day, of that subtle night,

and it goes on and on in

stealth repetition.

Hear it now in the babbling

brook and whispering leaves

of autumn, hear it now

in the cherry blossom trees

huddled in their swan song

of slumber

and as the awkward automotive

creatures, lumber into the stark

nothingness on the other side

where time waits for nothing

or no one.

Wayne Russell is a creative jack of all trades, master of none. Poet, singer, artist, photographer, and author of the poetry books “Splinter of the Moon” and "Waves of Lucidity", both published via Silver Bow Publishing, and are both available for purchase on Amazon in paperback and digital formats such as Ingram Distribution at your local library.

Yellow Man And His Blue Father - Short Story by Edgar Rider

  Yellow Man And His Blue Father Short Story by Edgar Rider At the time my best friend Mike and I were growing weary of working at the hambu...