Friday 21 June 2024

One Poem by Elena Malec


The Science Lesson

"Der Krieg ernährt den Krieg." Fr. Schiller, Piccolomini

Brief declarations

of three ministers of war

facing a crisis,

Mein Kampf,

and only one nuclear formula;

each of them –

weighing a few tons –

was opening

horrendous black holes.

How time is relative!

Gravity slows down,

and all together

now barely can weigh

one pound of paper waste –

(An efficiency-oriented Homo sapiens

ponders on recycling this paper waste.)


how time is cyclic!

Elena Malec is a philologist by trade, poet and artist by choice. She has published literary criticism, prose, poetry, essays, haiku, books of gourmet cooking, ikebana, morimono, and art. She lives with her husband in Southern California where she dedicates to painting, writing, making rag dolls, ikebana and haiku. Her books can be found on Amazon. Her haiku and senryu is published in many online journals.

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