I get home
With the intention of
Kicking back, smoking
Just one and then
Getting some rest
But, as usual of late, my
Mind soon turned on to
The thought of women.
You see the bed on
Which I relax, kick back,
Nothing more than an
Old beat-up couch in
Reality, has been there
Over a year and
I still ain’t had
Anyone to share it with
Tonight the words flow hard & serious
As exhaustion & stress are the only
Things work have left me with and in
All honesty it’s all been too much for
My poor harassed mind. There have
Been talks with management & that
Always means something BAD &
Tonight I’m reduced to this… these
Words as a saviour as my rot-gut wine
And smoke help soothe the madness
That’ll be helped by no work tomorrow.
Tonight is trying its hardest to destroy me as
Football talk gives way to tennis & that is one
Game I ain’t ever enjoyed whilst all the streaming
Options have been bled dry of anything funny
& anyway this afternoon I watched two films
& worst of all the god-damn novel I am reading
Is a piece of dull lifeless crap that made me want
A drink almost as soon as I was ten pages in and
That was only by lunchtime and now, as I look
At the clock in the corner of my screen, I see it is
Twelve past eight and I’m already three poems
Deep and my mind is running & the only thing
That can stop me now is sitting on my kitchen
Sideboard or behind some nearby bar so beg
For me as I go over to my kitchen…
As the years move on my
Tastes refine, grow more
Middle-aged with every
Passing day or month or
Year and of all the music
I now have grown to love
Somehow the oddest of all
Are those shaggy moptop
Boys The Beatles.
Growing up i got stung early,
Circa 91, by a young manic
Preacher from the streets
Telling me how he laughed
When ‘Lennon got shot’ only
To then capitulate, sell out to
The man, and hell i just gave
Up all hope.
Now i sit around wondering
If any new band have written
About Richey, the missing
Gunslinger, in such an honest
Way and i know. Of course
No one has cos one great
Single ain’t worth shit when
Compared to 5 years of
Totally sublime genius.
I’ve turned my back,
Turned my back on those places, those seats,
Those bars that have ruled my world for
About the last dozen years and at last
I can find comfort, joy in the company
Of my own. I sit, I smoke
I occasionally reach to my fridge
And grab a beer but no more can
I face the prospect of wasting so
Much money in the pursuit of who
Knows what in some desperate
Sad and ever so tiresome bar, all of
Which I am now completely bored
A waste of money,
Better spent on other things,
The mixture of the bad-odd and the loud
Who never let up, allowing no time to
Disconnect and slip into a better frame
Of mind.
No chance to create a good impression
When the only thing to be done is
Drink until you’re drunk and then drink
Some more just to make sure.
Those days are behind me now but
Doubtless in the near future they will
Again become a vital part of life
But almost certainly not here not in
This town where the beer costs too
Much and the bars are nothing but
Playgrounds for the rich.
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