Tuesday 8 October 2024

One Poem by Alan Catlin


Insomnia in 8 Pieces

1 - Like the cat in a Poe story. My dream demons lie close to my heart.

2 - Bird cries in the otherwise quiet night. Something is wrong with the wind.

3 - Camp fires burning on the edge of the River Styx. The ferryman waits

for our coins

4 - Hour glass on the mantelpiece upends itself. Time flows backwards

5 - Cracked mirror turned to a wall. Only reflects what is trapped inside.

6 - Full moon shades a half-filled glass. Chipped edges hold the light.

7 - In almost dream, I walk into a cave. Once inside I surrender to the dark.

8 - I reach out and try to touch what I can no longer feel.

Alan Catlin has published dozens of chapbooks and full-length books. He latest published works include How Will the Heart Endure (about life and work of Diane Arbus( from Kelsay Books and listening to the Moonlight Sonata from Impspired (UK).




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